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Juhi's pov

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Juhi's pov

"Come jiji lets go. If pitashree has called us then it must be something important." Subhadra said as we made our way to his chamber.

We entered his chamber and found pitashree, mata, dau and bhrata krishna waiting for us. We greeted them.

"Why did you call us pitashree." I asked.

"Children an invitation of Rajkumari Dushala's wedding has arrived from Hastinapur this morning." Pitashree informed me and Subhadra.

"Pitashree wants Juhi and Subhadra to attend this wedding on behalf of Dwaraka as Balram and Krishna has some other important work here. And I think it is a better opportunity for introducing Juhi more over Dushala is Subhadra's friend." mata said

"But mata, Juhi is recovering from her injuries and if she travel now it will affect her health." Dau asked mata with worry marring his face.

"I am perfecty fine dau" I assured him.

"What do you think Juhi?. Do you want to go." mata asked looking at me.

"Yes mata I will accompany Subhadra." I instantly replied. How will I not this my chance to meet all pandavas and all other historical people I have only heard about.

"Are you sure Juhi?" Dau asked

"Yes dau. I want to attend the wedding plus Subhadra is with me right."I tried my best to convince him.

"See dau she herself is saying she is fine and ready to go. Moreover do you think Subhadra will let Juhi out of sight." Bhrata Krishna said with sarcasm for the last sentence.

Dau looked a bit assured. Finally he nodded making me and subhadra to squeal in excitement. The other's laughed seeing our excitement.

"If anyone give you trouble tell them who your brother's are." He told me patting my head. I nodded with a huge smile.

"You girls should go and rest. Tomorrow morning you will start your journey and by evening you will reach the hastinpur palace." pitashree said. Nodding we left the room. Subhadra and I decided to go back to our room and pack clothes for the journey.

"Subhadra, Juhi wait!" Bhrata Krishna's voice made us stop in our tracks. We turned and found him standing behind us with a wooden box.

"Subhadra give this box to parth and tell him this will be useful for him." he said with a smile. Subhadra nodded and took the box from him.

"Subhadra go and keep it somewhere safe. Juhi and I are going for a night walk ad don't wait up for her. Come Juhi."

With a confused face I followed him leaving Subhadra to do the packing alone.

" When you reach hastinapur convey my greetings to Bua Kunti." Bhraaka Krishna as we reached the garden

"Sure Bhraata."

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