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A tear left Juhi's eyes as she thought about Karna

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A tear left Juhi's eyes as she thought about Karna. Whenever he looked at her, she couldn't help but feel shy. Why did he have to look at her like she was somthing precious to him? His eyes held so much love and respect for her. Didn't he knew she was not meant for him? That she would leave him soon? She was nothing but a confused soul.

Juhi fell in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. Her mind had already warned her not to fall in love with him but her fragile heart gave in forever and beyond. She knew he would never be hers. He was destined for someone else who is not her. Soon he will become someone else.

First time in her life she is jealous of someone. She is jealous of Vrushali for having him. She chuckled at her cruel fate. She lost her heart to a person who would be someone else. Now she understood why people say that love brings pain. She chuckled as pain squeezed her heart.

Tomorrow morning she will go back to Dwaraka. She don't when she would meet him again. The thought of leaving him was painful for her. She wanted to be with Karna forever but she knew it was impossible.

"Yuvadakumari, Vasudev Krishna is here to meet you." a daasi said.

"Let him enter." She sat properly and wiped the tears. Krishna entered Juhi's chamber with a smile.

"Pranipaat Bhrata"

"Pranipaat behana"

"Are you alright Juhi?" Krishna asked as he looked at the tear marks on her face and he very well knew the reason why.

"I am fine bhrata." Juhi said with a forced smile.

"Oh, but your red eyes and tear stain on your face tells me other wise. Why were you crying behna? You can tell me if something is bothering you."

"It nothing bhrata. Its my stuborn heart. I will get over it. Nothing to worry." She said forcing a smile.

"Are you sure you will get over your feeling for bua's eldest son." Krishna asked with a smile.

Juhi's eyes widened hearing Krishna. She didn't know what to say. She forgot for a second forgot that he is Maha Vishnu who is the preserver of the world.

"I don't know bhrata. I told myself not to fall for him. I tried my best not to fall for him but my stuborn heart did not listen to me. I will try my best to forget him bhrata. He is vrushali's and I will not seperate them for my selfish desires." Juhi said as a few tears fell from her eyes.

"Juhi, love is like a war easy to begin and hard to stop. It is not us who decide what will happen in the future. We are just the puppets in the hands of detiny. One thing about love is we will never forget who we once loved. A part of our heart will always love them. A part of us will always earn for them." Krishna said with a far away look.

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