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"You should talk to him Bua and now is the perfect time to talk

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"You should talk to him Bua and now is the perfect time to talk. He will be alone now." Juhi said to Kunti as they walked towards the banks of the river where karna was doing his morning prayers.

"Is it necessary to do it now?"

"Yes bua it is necessary."

"But he hates me Juhi." Kunti cried.

"No Bua, he doesn't hate you. He was just angry at that time. But now the anger has cooled down. He is after all your son bua. You should go and talk to him."

"Then you also come with me? I don't know whether I will be able to face him now? You also come with me Juhi." Kunti said with a worried face. Juhi looked at Karna who was busy doing his morning prayer. She shook her head. She wanted to but couldn't face him.

"No bua I will only accompany you till her from her you should go alone. It won't be relevant for me to come between a mother and son. Everything will be fine. He needed some space and you gave it to him. Now you need to talk and understand his stance." Juhi said.

"And moreover I have to leave now. Bhrata Krishna and Subadhra would be looking for me. I have to go. I have a lot of things to do. Trust me bua today all your problems will come to an end." Juhi added.

Kunti nodded her head and walked toward her son. Her heart was thudded with anticipation with each step she took. She had not talk to him after the day when she revealed the truth. She felt like he was avoiding her and pandavas since that day. She understood he needed time to accept the truth and she gave him. All wished was for was his acceptance.


The sky was still dark with some dark clouds waiting for the sun to appear and replace the moon. The river water was freezing cold but that did not seem to affect Karna.

Karna faced towards the east and started doing his prayers. He poured the water in the vessel to the river. He looked at the rising sun through the torrent of the water fromthe vessel he was holding. He was chanting the Aadhitya Hrudhana mantra while offering the water to the sun.

"Aadhitya Hrudhaya Punyam Sarva Sathru Vinaasanam

Jayaavaham Jabe nithyam Akshayam Paramam Shivam ||"

After done with pouring he touched the vessel with his forehead. He folded his hands in front of the sun completing his morning prayers. He turned around to leave but was stopped by a voice behind him.

"Putr Karna"

Karna turned and looked at his mother who had tears in her eyes. He knew he was the reason for her tears. He has been avoiding Kunti and Pandavas. He didn't have the courage to look at them after knowing the truth.

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