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Anga Palace,

King's Chamber.

The air was perfumed by the heavy scents of lilies and roses. The room was beautifully decorated various flowers and lighted candles. The whole room gave an romantic feel. The bed in the middle of the room was too decorated beautifully. Rose petals were scattered all over the bed.

Juhi was all dolled up for her special night. She was dressed in a beautiful red lehenga. She was adorned with many beautiful jewellaries. She felt suffercated wearing all the heavy jewellaries. The daasis made her sit in the middle of the decorated bed. They smoothered out her lehenga only letting her foot to peck out and adjusted the veil covering her face.

Soon the door was of the chamber opened signaling the arrival of the King

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Soon the door was of the chamber opened signaling the arrival of the King. The daasis immediately stopped their works and went out of the room giving the couple privacy. Juhi felt her heart race as she heard the sound of the door getting closed. She gulped hearing his footsteps nearing the bed. She clutched her lehenga tightly in her hands. She took deep breaths to calm her nerveousness.

Karna looked around his room scanning everything. His eyes roamed around the chamber taking in every new detail that was added. His eyes stopped on his beautiful bride who was sitting in the middle of the decorated bed. A smile appeared on his face seeing her. Now she is his. His wife. It feels so surreal for him. He still can't belive that she is his. Shaking his head he moved towards her.

"Juhi" Karna whispered.

It was so soft like the caressing of the wind but she heard it. A smile appeared on her face. She felt goosebumps on her body hearing her name from his mouth. Her name felt good from his mouth.

Karna sat on the bed making her breath heavily. He moved towards her and slowly lifted her veil revealing her face. He felt his breath hitched as he looked at her beautiful face. She looked gorgeous in the moonlight that shone through the window. Her eyes were casted down. Her pink lips pressed together in a beautiful smile. He put his hands under her chin and slowly lifted making her look into his eyes. He then noticed her eyelashes, long and thick. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her forehead lovingly. Juhi closed her eyes feeling the depth of the kiss.

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