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Author's pov

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Author's pov.

Royal court, Hastinapur

"Maharaj the palace in which Yuvraj Yudhishtir, rajmata Kunti and the rest of the pandavas stayed in Varnavart has been burnt down to ashes. And-" The soldier paused not knowing how to convey the message.

"And what soldier? Why did you stop soldier? And tell us what happened to Yuvraj and his family? Are they fine or not? Speak Soldier." Dhritarashtra questioned.

"Maharaj, there were six burnt bodies along with the weapons of pandu putra's in among the ashes." The soldier said.

"What? It's not true. I won't believe it." Bishma's roared loudly making the soldier to cower down in fear.

"Pitamaha please calm down." Dhritarashtra said trying to calm Bishma.

"How can I calm down Dhritarashtra after hearing such a bad news? My putr pandu's family has been dangered. Instead of hearing their return news we had recieved their dead news. I don't understand how can you all be calm after hearing this news. I won't believe my pandu's family is no more. This news can't be true. It can't be." Bishma said.

"Pitamaha please try to control yourself. You need to stay strong Pitamaha. We have no right to decide the fate. Maybe this was in their fate, to die young. We have no say in it. And moreover we need to inform Karna about the same. He has the rights to know about their deaths and he is one who has to do the last rituals as he is the last of their living closest family." Dhritarashtra said.

"How can you speak like this Dhritarashtra? They are not some mere strangers but your brother's wife and sons." Bishma said bewildered.

"I know pitamaha but I can't be selfish. I am not only pandu's brother but also the Maharaj of Hastinapur. Yudhishtir was the yuvraj of hastinapur. The news of his death would create a big chaos among the people. Hastinapur is now in need of a new yuvraj before the news of Pandavas spread and reach the ears of the enimies. We should not be selfish pitamaha. We have to think about the future of Hastinapur too." Dhritarashtra said making Bhishma look at him in shock.

"Do whatever you want Dhritarshtra. I won't interupt you. Now you are talking as the King of Hastinapur and not as the brother of pandu. To say I am dissapointed in you would be an understatement." Bishma said before walking out of the court room.

Bhishma did not fail to miss the evil smirk that had appeared on the faces of Duryodhana, Shakuni and Dushasan. His heart pained as he understood the meaning behind their smiles. They must no, they surely have something to do with the mishap that had happened to pandavas. 

He failed in keeping his promise to pandu. He failed to protect his pandu's family. He has failed in his promise. For the first time in his life Bishma felt as a failure. 


"Parihaar." Juhi dismissed the servants as soon as she entered the chamber.

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