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Author's Pov

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Author's Pov

Karna's legs slowed down as his blazing eyes made contact with the brown orbs of the man, he once considered his Mithr, his brother. His heart dropped as his eyes took in the disheveled form of Duryodhana. His throat dried up and fear bubbled up in his stomach with each step he took towards the injured man, who was gazing at him with some kind of regret in his eyes.

Karna felt his legs stop right before the chamber where his wife was being monitored. Duryodhana, who was sitting before the door got up from his seat, his heart thudding painfully in his chest and a sense of sadness washing over him as his gaze met Karna's.

"Mitr- Angaraj, she was cornered by some asurs in the southern part of the palace. I was casually strolling through the corridor when I heard her screams. I wasted no time in getting to her. They were right behind her, Mitra. She fainted right in my arms. She was mumbling something but-" His voice cracked but he forced himself to continue. "They were right behind her. Three of them. I didn't have time to analyse anything. They were so close behind her and at that time my main concern was to save save her. And I did everything I could do to save her."

He knew, Karna deserved to know what happened to his wife in his absence.

"Oh." Karna nodded acknowledging the former's words.

He wanted to thank his Mitra for saving his wife and also enquire the well being of his former friend yet no words escaped his lips. It was as if he has lost his ability to speak.

Before more words could be exchanged between the once good friends, the doors of the chamber opened.

"Angaraj, you have arrived." The Vaidya said, stepping out of the chamber.

"Vaidya, how is juhi? Is she alright? Her wounds, they are nothing serious right?" Karna anxiously looked at the elder man before him, hoping for a positive response.

"Angaraj, Angarani is alright. The wounds on her body was nothing fatal, it will be cured in a few days." The vaidya replied, making the two men sigh in relief.

"And Angaraj" He continued. "There is a good news amidst the terror that has been faced today. Angarani Juhi is expecting."

"What?" Karna's eyes widened in shock and a look of uncertainty crossed his face as his brain tried to analyse the words of the Vaidya.

Did he really hear the Vaidya say that Juhi, his Juhi is with a child or did he mishear it for something else?

"Yes Angaraj. Angarani is six weeks far. Both the child and mother are safe and healthy. Angaran's body is a bit weak, so I would suggest complete bed rest till her first 3 months." Saying this the Vaidya left to give the royal men privacy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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