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Meanwhile in Dwaraka

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Meanwhile in Dwaraka

A man was lying on a swing, his head was resting on his hand with his eyes closed. Few beautiful peacock feathers adorned the crown in his head. His face was calm with a sad smile tracing his lips. There death was necessary for saving the life of many. Her arrival to dvapara yug was necessary. Let the two innocent souls rest in peace.

"Kanha what is going on in the head of your's" asked another man who entered the chamber.

"She is here Dau. She has arrived."

"Who is here? kanha" Dau asked not understanding anything Kanha said.

"The girl who will change the whole history. She has the power to change the destiny of many. She is here to establish dharma in the whole aryavat. She will be the reason for a mother's happiness while sorrows for another mother. She is the water that will calm the fire. The sky for the sun to shine brighter. She will be the moon among the stars. She is here to complete what she had left out in her previous life. The future of aryavat is in the hands of her. She will help the pandava's needs in the establishment of dharma in aryavat."

"Who is she, kanha?"

"Time will answer all your questions, just be a little patient dau" Krishna replied with a smile.

Balram sighed as he understood that Kanha will not tell him anything. Patience indeed. He left the room thinking about what krishna has just said.

A Day Later

Mahadev Temple

Vasudev and his family were completing the pooja. The Ganga river that flow near the temple was a little violent. The usually calm Ganga is violent today making everyone wonder what is wrong. The pooja was completed.

"The women in the family should offer this in river ganga" priest said as he gave them the offering.

Devika, Revati and subhadra took the offering and went into the river. They did their prayers hile they were returning they saw a figure flouting towards them. It looked like a girl's body. Rohini was fast enough to get hold of the girl. The girl's forehead was bleeding and her pulse level was low.

"Arya" screamed Revati.

Hearing Revati's shouting Balram, Krishna and Vasudev arrived there. They saw a body in hold of Rohini. Balram wasted no time in picking the girl. Soon they started to heading back to palace.

As soon as they reached there the girl was taken to a private chamber and her treatment was started by the vaidya.

"Is she fine vaidya?" Vasudev asked him as soon as he stepped out of the chamber.

"She is just unconscious due to lack of oxygen for breathing. She hit her forehead resulting the bleeding. She had a few cuts in her body. Other than that she should be fine" vaidya answered.

"Vaidya when will she be able to gain consciousness" asked Balram.

"Soon. It is according to how her body will react to the medicine." With this the vaidya took his leave.

"Balram sent a soldier to find information about the girl's family. They must be worried for her." Vasudev said to Balram. Before Balram could reply a voice interrupted them.

"That won't be nesessary"

They both turned their head towards the voice. There stood Krishna in all his glory.

"And why so krishna" asked Vasudev

" Her family was attacked by some people on their way. Her parents are dead. She is the only one who survived the attach." replied Krishna.

"How do you know that" asked Vasudev.

"A spy informed me. He witnessed the whole events. And other family members in her paternal and maternal thinks that she is dead. If she goes back their are chances for the enimies to find her and kill her. " Krishna said with a sad voice.

Vasudev started to think about what Krishna said. What happened to girl was not fair and a girl cannot live alone without a male protection in this yug. He had felt a fatherly affection towards the girl and she reminded him of subhadra. He was in delimma as to what to do. This delimma was clearly understood by Krishna but he did not say anything. Finally Vasudev told them what he thought was the right thing to do.

"If she wish she can stay here with us as our daughter. We can adopt her and she will be under our protection."

Balram knew this had some connection with what Krishna has said to him yesterday. But listening to Vasudev he understood one thing. She is the one Kanha has been talking about. He don't know as to why he felt protective over the girl. She seemed too innocent to know about what was happening in the outer world. Poor girl suffered so much at a young age.

"Subhadra will be happy to have a big sister. What do you think Kanha?" Balram said breaking the silence that surrounded them.

"I would love to get a new crime partner" Kanha said with a mischievous smile.Making other two smile. The environment around turned pleasant.

Private Chamber

A girl was lying on the bed which was in the middle of the room. She had a calm look on her face. Her dark hair was completely spread around the pillow. Her face was pale but that did not reduce the glow in her face.

She slowly started to stir. Her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes begin to observe her surroundings. The place looked liked palace with a big open balcony at one side. The door was guarded by two soldiers wearing armors.

Then her eyes fell on the man who was sitting beside her. He was wearing a big crown with peacock feathers adoring it. He looked handsome. He was adorned with so many ornaments. He had a divine look on his face. His dressing style was also different. His dressing style reminded her of Mahabhart serial that she watched with her mother.

He offered her a glass of water. Without a question she drank the water looking at his face.Her dark brown eyes looked into his eyes which looked like blue lotus. It was the most beautiful pair of eyes she had seen.

"Priye, are you alright?"


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Till then,


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