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"Sorry to disturb you Rajamata, but yuvadakumari Juhi has arrived

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"Sorry to disturb you Rajamata, but yuvadakumari Juhi has arrived."

"Let her in." Kunti said. It is time.

Her heart was thudding in anticipation. She didn't know as to why she is trusting Juhi enough to share her deepest secret. She took a deep breath to calm herself. She decided to take the chance of trusting Juhi. She knew only person who can help her now is Juhi.

Juhi's pov

"You can enter yuvadakumari." the dassi informed me.

Nodding my head I entered bua's chamber. I went towards her and took her blessings.

"kalyan ho putri."

"Why did you call for me bua? Is it something important?" I asked.

"Putri I am going to share something important with you. But before that promise me you will not tell this to anyone. Whatever I share with you now should be between us not a single sole should know about it."

"I promise you bua whatever we are talking will talking right now will stay between us. I will not disclose this without you permission." I promised her. She seem to have calmed down a little.

"Putri will you judge me after hearing what I say? I made a mistake no no it a grave sin. Will you look at me differently after hearing this? Will you hate me for what I have did?" Bua asked with tears in her eyes. I shook my head and held her hands in mine.

"Bua I am a person who believes that judging a person does not define who they are but defines who we truly are. Everyone of us make mistakes but it is us who decides whether we correct it or not. I could never hate you even if I try. You are like mother bua."

She patted my head lovingly with a teary smile. Her eyes shone with love as she heard my response.

"Putri I did something unforgivable to my son. Something a mother should have never done to her child. An unforgivable sin. I abandoned my own child Juhi. My first born. I was a maiden at that time. I didn't know what to do. I just let him go. I chosed my father's reputation over my son. I let go of son for the reputation of my father. I was afraid and helpless. Now he is in pain because of me. I am the reason for all the humiliations he is facing. I..I.." with this she burst into tears. I hugged her and let her cry her heart out. I myself was crying seeing her so helpless.

"Bua please don't cry."

After a few minutes her sobs seemed to have calmed down. I slowly broke the hug and looked at her.

"Who is he bua?" I asked her like I didn't know it was karna who she was talking about. She hesitated for a moment before answering.


"As in Angraj Karna? Are you sure?" I asked faking a doubt.

"Angraj Karna is my son who I have begotten from Surya Dev before my marriage."She said without looking at me.

"Putri please help me. I don't know what to do. My own sons are fighting among themselves. I am afraid that there this hatred will lead to the death of one of my sons. Please do something. Please let an end to this. I am begging you juhi, please." She said with folded hands.

"Bua please don't insult me by begging. I am like you daughter right? Just order me." I said as I unfolded her hands.

"Putri please do something and stop their fight."

"Bua I am sorry but I am helpless. I won't be able to anything." Her face fell at my answer.

"But there is one person who can put an end to this." I said.

"Who is that person putri? Tell me putri." Bua asked me with a look of hope.

"It is you bua."

"Me? but how? I didn't understand. Can you elaborate you answer." she asked me with a confused face.

"Yes bua you are the only one who can end this. If you reveal the truth it will surely put an end to their enmity. Pandavas will never go against their big brother and Angraj Karna will never hurt his own brothers." She looked shocked at my answer.

"No Juhi if I reveal the truth then my sons will hate me, they will leave me. Karna would never forgive me for what I did to him. He too will hate me. My whole family will be shattered. I will die Juhi rather than seeing my own sons hatred." She said shaking her head.

"Bua Pandavas and Karna are your sons they will never hate. When you reveal the truth they will surely be upset but they will never hate you or leave you. The sooner they learn the truth the better. If you refuse to tell them now then you will surely regret not telling them earlier. Please bua your sons future is in your own hand." I said trying to make her understand the situation.

She looked at me with a troubled expression. I squeezed her hand reassuringly. She took a deep breath.

"I will reveal the truth but promise me you will be there with me when I do it."

"I promise bua I will always be there with you. We are together in this."

"Thank you Juhi for being there for me." She said hugging me.

"Bua I am like your daughter right?" She nodded looking at me.

"Then why are you thanking me. It is a daughter's responsibility to look after her mother's well being." I said making a smile to appear on bua's face.

"Always stay happy putri." Bua said as she hugged me.


All this was heard by someone unknown to the duo. He had came to inform Juhi that he had apologized to angaraj and had solved everything between them.

His heart squeezed in pain hearing his mother's confession. Tears ran down his own face. He even forgot to blink his eyes. The person whom he hated was his own brother who only deserves love. He disrespected the person who should be only respected. He remembered all the times he and the rest of his brothers insulted Angaraj Karna who is there brother.

"I abandoned my own child."

"My first born"

"Angraj Karna is my son."

These were the words that echoed in his head.

He felt suffocated standing there. He left the chamber with out making any noise. He walked through the corridor aimlessly.

For the first time in his life Arjun didn't know what to do.


Hey guys,

Hope you all liked this chapter.

Finally Kunti confessed and Arjun heard it.

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Till then,


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