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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Juhi and Subhadra stepped down the chariot . The rays of the setting sun fell on Juhi's face making her glow. Juhi was nervous about meeting everyone. Maharani Gandhari took the aarati and welcomed them. Both the Yadav princesses went forward and took the elder's blessings. Kunti hugged them making both the girls smile.

They were introduced to all the pandavas and the kauravas. The pandavas welcomed them with a smile whereas the kauravas had a grim look on their faces. Shakuni was looking at Juhi with calculating eyes, trying to figure her out. Duryodana and Dusasshan looked at her with lust filled in their eyes making her feel uncomfortable.

They were guided into their respective chambers. Juhi looked around the room admiring it. She went towards her balcony and the garden in front of her was so mesmerizing. The Garden was filled with all kind of flowers that are found in aryavart. Their was a fountain in the middle of the garden, small birds came and drank water from it. She stood there admiring the birds unaware that someone else was admiring her.

"Juhi" the voice broke her out of her thoughts. She immediately sprinted to her room unaware of her bracelet leaving her wrist and falling on the green grass. A man picked up the fallen bracelet and looked up again to where the girl was stood a few minutes back.

"Juhi" He whispered as he held the moon chain in her hand.


In the few days itself Juhi mingled with everyone in the kuru family. The whole palace was filled with her laughter. She tried her best to avoid Shakuni, Duryodana and his brothers. They made her uncomfortable. She did not have any proper conversation with them. Subhadra introduced Dushala and Juhi who instantly become good friends. The both sisters did not fail to tease dushala at every chance they got. They won't stop until the Kuru princess is beetroot red.

Juhi still hadn't meet Karna . He had left to Anga the day she arrived to clear some political issues. She decided to talk to kunti about reavealing Karna's birth truth when he will arrive from Anga. One time when Juhi asked about the absence of Karna to the pandavas and well it resulted in an argument between Bheem, Arjun and Juhi.

"Doesn't angraj visit Hastinapur?" Juhi asked trying her best to hide the despiration in her voice.

" Who cares where the sutputr is. Why are you enquiring about the mere sutputr?" Bheem replied

"If you want to know about him you can ask to his priya mitr? Maybe both are planning ways to kill us" Arjun further added. Their reply made Juhi red in anger. That was the first time they have seen her angry. Kunti and the rest of the pandavas watched them silently not wanting to say something they will regret later. Kunti breathing became rigid. This is all because of her she thought bitterly the enmity between her own sons. Tears blurred her vision.

"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantage that you've had. You are discriminating Karna not even knowing him. It was not his fault he was born as a sut. He was neglected education for being a sut. When the entire society was insulting him and his talent Duryodana was the only royal who accepted him, he did not discriminate him like you all did. Why do hate him? just because he is the friend of duryodana or is it because he is better than Arjun?" Juhi asked with a calm voice.

When she got no one responding she stormed out of the chamber. For the rest of the day she did not talk to any of the pandavas. Pandavas were hurt by her ignorance. They couldn't comprehend as to why. Later that evening they apologized to Juhi.

"You should apologize to angraj not me" was her reply. First they were a little reluctant but later agreed to apologize to Karna when he return from Anga.

Juhi spent more her time with bua Kunti and the pandavas. She visited Mahadev temple with bua Kunti everyday. She and Yudhistir were the ones who kept the rest of them out of trouble or so everyone thought. Everyone was amazed when they came to knew that she did not know how to cook. Bheem took it in his own hands to teach her cooking. Arjun and Juhi sneaked out of the palace and roamed around hastinapur dressed as a commoners. She became more close to Arjun who was added into her best friends list. Nakul and Sahdev became her partners in crimes. If the three are together that means one thing. Trouble. Their main targets were Duryodana and his brothers. She more or less became a part of the kuru family.


A girl is sitting in the middle of the beautiful garden filled with white flowers. Little birds gave her company as waited for someone to arrive. The bird cooed at her as if talking to her. It was nearly dawn when a man arrived. His face was not visible due to the suns rays. He had a well build body. The girl immediately stood upon seeing him.

"You are late again." the girl said turning the other side not facing him.

"I had to assist pitashree and my brothers." he said making the girl sigh.

The man held her hand and twirled the girl making her land on his chest. She kept her one hand on his chest to balance herself. The both were lost in each other. He gently brushed the hair out of her face. His touch sent shiver down her body. He held her close to him and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She lowered her eyes in shyness. A blush seared through her cheeks at his touch. His lips curled up into a smirk as he saw the effect he had on her. He lifted her chin with his a curled index finger forcing her to meet his intense gaze. She lost herself in his magnificent eyes. His dark eyes twinkled with love for her. His gaze fell on her pink lips cupping her face he leaned forward to capture her lips with his but the girl turned and ran. He chuckled shaking his head before running behind her.

Juhi opened her eyes. This was the same dream that gave her sleepless nights. She couldn't understand anything. Now it had became a routine for her to wake up at the middle of the night. Sleep was far from her eyes. The air around her felt suffocating. She moved out of her chamber and made her way to the garden.

She walked in the royal garden trying to clear her mind. Her luscious hair fluttered in air. Her head hurt thinking about the weird dreams. The faces of the couple were not clear yet she could understand their emotion. She wished to get a glimpse of their faces. Her subconscious told her she knew them. All she could remember was those chocolate brown eyes. She had many questions. She know only one person who could answer them but unfortunately he is in Dwaraka. She thought about writing a letter to Krishna but decided against it.

"Who are you?" the voice made her stop in her tracks.


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Who are the couple in Juhi's dreams?

Till the next time,


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