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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Juhi entered the chamber with a thudding heart. Juhi looked at everyone present in the chamber. All of them had different expressions on their faces. Her father who had a worried look on face while her mother had a smile on her face. Dua's and Krishna's face were emotionless.

"Pitashree you had called for me? Is it something important?" Juhi asked after a moment of silence. Vasudev looked at Juhi who was looking at him with anticipation.

"Putri I have been thinking about your future. I know you miss your past life even though you have become familiar to the life here. You are our responsibility Juhi. We know you are adjusting your life here. We don't want to pressurize you into someting you don't want. The decision is completely in your hands." Vasudev started in an hesitating voice.

"Tell me the matter pitashree. Please don't hesitate." Juhi said in an encouraging voice even though she didn't want to hear what he wantd to say.

"Putri it's about your marraige. It's your age to get married putri." Vasudev said.

"Oh" these were the only words that left her mouth.

"Putri the decision is completely your's Juhi. You are free choose who ever you want as your husband. We won't force you to marry the guy we chose." Devaki said patting Juhi's head.

"Yes Juhi we won't do anything against your wishes." Dau said giving her a small smile.

Juhi thought about it for a moment. She could understand their concern for her. She knew they are worried about her future. They wanted her to settle down in her life. They wanted her to start her own family. She knew they were trying to fulfil their responsibility towards her. She too had responsibilities towards them. They had taken care of her and accepted her as their oun daughter despite not knowing anything anout her past.

Her thoughts went to Karna. What will she say to him. They had just confessed their love towards each other. She looked at her parents who was looking at her with hopeful eyes. She couldn't dissappoint them. She won't let them down even if she had to let go of Karna. She will make him understand her point of view if necessary.

"I am ready pitashree." Juhi said forcing a smile. Her heart ached at the thought of being someoone else's. She will never forgive herself if she break Karna's heart. No, she will never be someone else. Luckly her parents gave her permission to choose her to-be-husband.

Vasudev and Devaki smiled looking at each other. They were afraid for Juhi's future. They were glad that Juhi had accepted to marry. They were releaved when they got a proporsal for Juhi from Hastinapur. They were happy and releaved after reading the letter of kunti. They know Kunti would not as a mother-in-law but as a mother.

"Putri a proporsal has arrived from Hastinapur asking for your hand in marriage for the eldest son of Kunti, Angraj Karna. If you are fine with it we will proceed with the proporsal." Vasudev said making Juhi look at him in shock. Karna's letter came into her mind.

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