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Vidaai is the saddest and most emotional part of a wedding

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Vidaai is the saddest and most emotional part of a wedding. The tough moment when a girl bid goodbye to the very special people in her life. The moment mixed with different feelings happiness for the bride as she is going to start a new life but sad as she no longer belongs to them.

Juhi stood on the doorstep accompanied by her parents and sibilings. Soon a plate full of rice and coins were brought. Juhi threw three handfull of rice and coins into the house before crossing the doorstep. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she did it.

 Tears rolled down her cheeks as she did it

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Juhi cried hugging her parents tightly. Everyone who was watching the scene felt sad. Karna felt a heavyness in his heart as he looked at his bride who was crying hugging her parents.

"Take care of yourself." Vasudev said with his eyes filled with unshed tears. Juhi nodded her head swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.

"Always be happy and take care of you family." Devki said kissing her forehead.

"Take of her Karna. I am giving you one of my precious tresure. I am trusting you with my life Karna." Vasudev said moving near to Karna.

"From today onwards she is completely my responsibility and I promise you that I won't let your trust on me go down." Karna said making Vasudev smile through his tears.

Juhi and karna moved toward her beloved sibilings who were standing with tears in their eyes.

"I will miss you Dau." Juhi said as she hugged Balram.

"I too will miss you and don't forget what I have said earlier I am just one call away. I will always be there for you whe you need me." Balram said with tears in his eyes. Juhi smiled through her tears.

"Karna if I get to know that you made my sister cry then you will know who balram truly is. Hope you will keep her happy." Balram said keeping a hand on Karna's shoulder. Karna gulped before nodding his head.

The couple the moved towards Krishna who was smiling through his tears.

"I will miss you bhrata krishna." Juhi said hugging Krishna.

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