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Karna spun her around and crashed his lips on hers

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Karna spun her around and crashed his lips on hers. This was the only way he found to stop her rambling. He knew it was not ethical but that did not stop him from claiming her lips. He kissed her with passion expressing how he felt about her. Juhi seemed to freeze in his arms.

Karna kept his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him. His other hand cupped her face and his thumb was caressing her cheeks. She was pressed against his hard chest. She kept her one hand on his chest to balance herself. Soon she seemed to realize what was happening. She closed her eyes and started responding with the same passion. Her warm ones started moving with his cold ones. She wrapped her on hand around his neck bringing him close to her.

Sparks flew out in every direction and the world around them seemed to dissapear. The kiss was slow and soft. The kiss said the untold words between them. She felt butterflies in her tummy. A small moan left her lips as his tongue entered her mouth tasting ever bit of her. It was pure bliss for both.

Soon they pulled apart due to the lack of oxygen. Slowly Juhi opend her eyes and stared into his dark brown eyes. His eyes were filled with love and desire for her. Karna gently caressed her cheeks with is hand. She felt sparks ran through her body at his simple touch. With her cheeks still blushing hotly, she glanced at him. Both were breathing heavily due to the kiss.

"Don't misunderstand my silence. Juhi, I love you. These were the words I wanted to say to you since a few days but I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same way so I kept it in my heart. I love everything about you. Every single thing. You are like oxygen for me without you I will die. I know we have just meet a few weeks back but you have become my everything in these days. You are the one for me and I was never been so sure of anything in all my life Juhi." Karna said looking deep into Juhi's eyes.

A few tears fell from her eyes at his confession. She didn't know what to say so she hugged him letting her emotions take control of her. Karna hugged her back. They stood their under the moon in silence. The moon and the stars around it glowed brightly witnessing their love.

"You should go back to your chamber. It is already late." Karna said as he reluctantly broke the hug. Juhi nodded looking at him.

He accompanied her till her chamber.

"I love you" He said as he kissed her forehead. He let his lips linger their for a few minutes before moving back. Juhi closed her eyes feeling the moment.

"I love you too" She said looking deep into his eyes.

That night Juhi and Karna slept with a content smile on their face.What they didn't knew was it was just the start of something which was left behind long back.


"Everyone is here so lets start the meeting." Vidur said looking at Maharaj. Dhritarashtra nodded his head. The court was filled with the family members of the royal family, Gandharraj, Krishna and Juhi.

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