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Author's pov

Pournami Night

The once calm atmosphere is changing into a destructive one. The silent calm rivers and lakes has completely changed into mass destructive onces. The fishermens who were in the middle of the sea's started setting back to the lands trying to save themself from the anger of the sea. Volcanos around that place erupt sprewing hot, dangerous gases, ash and lava. The hot moltern lava desended down the rock mountains buring everything that came in its way.

The sky became dark and low with omnious black clouds and the wind picked up howling, crying, warning, baying like a wolf into the night

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The sky became dark and low with omnious black clouds and the wind picked up howling, crying, warning, baying like a wolf into the night. There was a mutter of thunder from the blackened sky as the wind tore leaves from the rees. The rain lashed down, torrential, unforgiving.

People ran through the muddy roads trying to reach home fast. Womens ran inside there houses holding their children safetly in their arms. The small children cried hearing the sound of the loud thunders. All the shops that were open a few minutes ago are now closed. Soon enough the streets and roads around were void of living beings. Even the animals around seem to be terrified of the unnatural calamities that was happening. All the people wondered the reasons for the sudden calamity.

"Hey Narayan what is the reason of this sudden thunderstorm? If it continues like this then surely all the crops will be destroyed. All our hardwork will be destroyed." A farmer said looking through the window at the heavy down pour.

"It seems like some big disaster is gonna strike soon. The thunderstorm and the unnatural calamity seems like just a start for something big." His wife said keeping a hand on the man's shoulder.

"Maybe you are right. Even I feel like something bad is gonna happen. But if it continues then our lives will be at stake. All our hard work will be destroyed." The man said looking at his wife.

" Don't worry aiyana Narayan will surely protect us. He will never let his devotees suffer so much." Wife said trying to chear her husband. The man sighed and continued watching the hail that seemed vigorous enough to destroy the whole land.

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