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Author's pov

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Author's pov

The sunlight shone through the windows illuminating the dark room with its rays. A beautiful girl was lying on the bed that was in the middle of the room. The warm light filtered through her thin eyelids making her to open her eyes. She blinked a few times, in an attempt to help her eyes adjust to the bright light. The warm sun rays kissed her lightly, warming her inside out.

Juhi's Pov

So it was not a dream. The pain in my body vanished and I felt much better now. My body felt relaxed. I saw 2 daasi's entering my room holding 2 big plates, one with few ornaments and one with clothes.

"Rajkumari, maharani ordered us to help you get ready and take you to her chamber." one daasi said.

I let them guide me as I don't know anything about these stuff. Soon enough I was dressed in a beautiful dark blue lehenga with beautiful peach embroidary work. The shawl was a dark peach one. The dress is kind of heavy and a bit uncomfortable for me. I selected a simple necklace with a pair of earrings. After dressing I was unable to recognize myself as I looked into the mirror in front of me. I looked different.

The daasi guided me to Maharani's chamber. The daasi said something to the guard. He went inside the chamber when returned back he let us enter. The daasi told me to go inside. I stepped inside the room and fond maharani sitting on the bed.

"Pranipaat Maharani" I greeted her with my hand folded in a greeting manner.

Her eyes held disappointment. Did I do something wrong. Was this not how you greet. See Juhi you are already a disappointment.

She came forward and hugged me. I was taken by surprise but soon hugged her back as I came out of my shock.

"Putri, you don't consider me as your mother right. I know you won't give your birth mother's place to me but won't consider me as your mother. Am I not your mother." she asked me as she broke the hug. I shook my head as my eyes started to tear up seeing her motherly affection."Then why are you calling me maharani I am your mother right"

"Sorry, mata" I said as I hugged her and cried.

"Look pitashree mata already made jiji cry" a female voice came from behind me.

We broke the hug and looked at source of the voice. The stood 3 people, a girl and 2 men who I haven't seen before. If my guesses are correct the girl is Subhadra and the other must be Vasudev and Balram.

"Mata why did you make my sister cry?" asked the younger man who I guess is Balram. Sister. He consider me as his sister. Devika maa went towards them and twisted their ears.

"Aaaaa mata please leave my ear." both of them pleaded.

"Let them go Devika" The older man said who I guess is pitashree Vasudev said with a laugh.

She let go of their ears. Both rubbed their ears with a smile. I let out a small laugh. They look so happy. Seeing them I miss my family we were also like this. My smile faded a little thinking about them.

I went to take pitashree's blessing but when I bent to touch his feet he stopped me and pulled me into a hug.

"A daughter's place is in her father's heart not his feet." he said making me miss my father. Tears escaped my eyes before I could stop them.

"We know it is hard for you. We are sorry for what happened to your family. It was tragic. But we are here for you. You are now part of our family. And there is no place for tears in our family." Dau Balram said as he wiped off my tears. I give him a small smile.

"Balram you are making your mata cry with all these emotional talk." Pitashree said making us all laugh. Mata wiped her tears laughing.

"Jiji I will show you around and from today onwards you are my new best friend" Subadhra said as she hugged me.

"No she is my best friend." Said a voice.

"No bhrata Krishna. She is my best friend." Subhadhra stuck her tongue out at him.

Every one started laughing at their fight. They both continued to fight till dau decided to interfere.

"Sorry both of you but she is my best friend."

"That's not fair dau" Both of them exclaimed making us all laugh. Mata decided to stop the fight before they could continue.

"Kanha is here now so lets go have breakfast and then Subhadra can show Juhi around Dwaraka." Mata said as she led us to dinning room.

Breakfast was interesting. I meet Revati bhabhi she is so sweet. She is so beautiful inside out. Kanha and Subhadhra made all of us laugh with their stupid joke. They did not make me feel unwanted. They included me in their talk making not letting me feel left out. Dawaraka became my new home.

Later subhadra took me with her and showed me around. Dwaraka is a beautiful city. They place is like a heaven on earth maybe that is the reason why its meaning in sanskrit means Gate way to Heaven. The people and even animals here were kind hearted and sweet. Its a pity that this beautiful kingdom is going to be submerged under water.

"Dwaraka is so beautiful Subhadhra." I said as I looked around the place.

"So true jiji. My thoughts were also same like yours when I first came to live here." Subhadhra said with a far away look.

I even made a new friend here. Her name is madhu. She is around my age I think or she is an year elder than me. She is the one who is assigned as my personal daasi. The look on her face was priceless when I asked her to be friend. Anyway she is my friend now.

As the days passed they became more dearer to me. It is fun living with them. Stealing makhan with Bhrata Krishna, doing mischief with Subhadra, learning cooking with mata and Revati bhabhi. Helping dau and pitashree in finance of the kingdom. Playing hide and seek with the little kids. It became my new life.

I am more familiar to this place now. I am happy to call them as my family now. It doesn't mean that I don't miss my parents. I miss them everyday but I know they are in a better place. I took bhrata Krishna's adivice and decided to cherish their memory. Devaki ma let me sleep on her lap when I miss my mother. She understands me very well just like mom. Even though God took my parents he gave me another one.

"Sorry to disturb you rajkumari but Maharaj has asked for you and rajkumari Subhadhra to his chamber". a daasi informed us.

The daasi then took her leave. I and Subhadra looked at each other wondering why pitashree is calling us.


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