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Author's Pov

A silver beam of moonlight entered in through the room peaking through the curtains that cover the window. The room was silent except for the scribbling sound produced by the quill. Juhi looked towards Karna who was lying on the bed with closed eyes. She looked at him and found him asleep. Taking a soft sigh she continued writting the letter. 

"Dear Bhrata Yudhistira,

Before reading this parchment make sure you are alone with no eyes following you. You can share this letter with the others when you are sure that you are not being followed around by any outside eyes.

Hope you all have reached safely in Varnavart. Arya and I are missing you all. Here it is not same without you all. Sometimes it is so lonely without you all but we know we cannot avoid the inevitable. Anyway lets talk about something pleasant.

Anyway, I hope that your stay in Varnavart is pleasant. How is mata Kunti's health? Hope she is not stressing herself. Take care of her and of the boys too. Don't let them do something foolish that will make you all land in trouble.

Sometimes a weapon not made of steel or any other material element can be more than sharp to kill an enemy, and he who knows this in never killed. And remember Fire cannot extinguish the soul but can annihilate the material body. But one who protects the soul lives. And also remember that the conflagration which devastates a forest cannot hurt a rat which shelter itself in a hole or a porcupine which burrows in the earth. The wise man knows his bearings by looking at the sky.

Beware the enemy will always strike its prey when the prey is distracted from its surroundings. Until then it will stay calm and calculate ways to make sure the prey does not escape.

Some secrets are buried deep down in the form of simple words yet meaningful ones.

Do tell Mata Kunti, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev that I and arya miss them. Now don't feel sad we miss you too Bhrata Yudhistira. Hope to meet you all soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself while doing the duties of being a son and brother. 

Love you and miss you all.

Till we meet again,


She reread the parchment to make sure she had written all the necessary information. Being happy with the content of the letter she wrote, she folded the parchment and tied to a her owl's leg. This letter will help them from escaping the wax house. 

"Make sure you give this parchment to Bhrata Yudhishtira. Don't allow anyone else to take it from you." She whispered into the owls ears before letting the owl fly out through the window. She watched the owl till it was out of her sight.

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