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Author's pov

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Author's pov.

"Maharani if you want anything do order." The daasi said with her head bowed.

"No I think I will manage. You can leave." Juhi said dismissing the daasi.

The daasi bowed her head and walked out of the kitchen. Juhi sighed and looked around the kitchen. How the hell is she supposed to make a sweet dish when she royally suck at cooking. Being the only daughter of her parents she was pampered and spoilt. They never allowed her to even lift a vessel. She was brought up like a delicate flower. Only once has she entered the kitchen and that day she had accidentally burnt her finger and nearly lighted the whole kitchen in fire and from that day onward her parents never allowed her in kitchen. Now her in-laws expect her to cook for them. She felt completely helpless.

After thinking for a few minutes of thinking Juhi decided to make Kheer as it was the only dish whose recipe she knew. She took the rice and soaked it in water. She took a silver vessel and poured a fresh milk into it. She washed the rice and put it in the boiling milk. She stood there for a moment looking at the boiling milk. What she had done is the basics she had no idea how to make it further? Should she add sugar before or after the milk is boiled? Or is sugar add it before serving it?

"After this what am I supposed to do?" Juhi wondered out aloud.

"You should stir it until the rice gets soft and mushy Bhabhi." A voice instructed from behind her.

She turned around placing a hand on her chest. Her eyes were wide open and a loud gasp escaped her mouth. She looked at Bheem with her heart thudding in her chest loudly. She squeezed her eyes shut for a second and opened it again smiling little.

"You sacred the life out of me Bheem." She said breathing heavily.

"Sorry Bhabhi I didn't mean to scare you." Bheem said looking guilty.

"Its ok Bheem. Anyway why are you here now? Do you need anything?" She asked with a smile.

" Bhabhi actually Jyesht asked me to check whether you might need any help or not."

"Really you are here to help me?" Juhi asked her eyes glistening.

"Yes Bhabhi." Bheem nodded his head.

"So what should I do now?"

"You should stir it till the rice gets soft and then add sugar, raisins and cinnamon into it." Bheem instructed.

Juhi without any word started following the instructions given by Bheem. Soon an alluring aroma rises from the kheer that was being cooked. After a few second the hot kheer was transferred into the serving dishes kept there and was left for cooling.

"Bheem taste it and tell me how is it?" Juhi asked.

Bheem took a bit of kheer from the dish and tasted it. He stood there for a few minutes without telling anything making Juhi look at him worried.

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