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Juhi's pov

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Juhi's pov

After drinking the water I felt much better. My whole body is paining. I clutched my head in pain as the memories of what happened to my family flashed through my mind. God please let them be fine.

"Priye, are you alright?"a musical voice asked me

I looked at the man in front of me. He was dressed in dhoti and his upper body was adored with gold ornaments. He had a crown with a few peacock feathers adoring it. His eyes they are the most beautiful eyes. They looked like the rare blue lotus. I feel like I have known him my entire life yet I have no memory of him. He reminded me of Shree Krishna from Mahabharat serial which I used to watch with my mother.

"Where am I?" I asked ignoring his question.

"You are in Dwaraka" he replied with a sweet smile on his face. It sounded a bit weird.

"Who are you?" I asked the man in front of me who I think is the one that saved me.

"My name is Vasudev Krishna. Some people me calls me Kanha or Govind. While some call me mackanchoir. I have a total of 108 names. But you can call me Bhrata Krishna." My eyes widened at his reply. Dwaraka. Vasudev Krishna. 108 names. Thinking about it made my head hurt.

"You are kidding right?" I asked. Is he trying to make me a fool.

"No" he replied the smile not leaving his lips.

"Are you really Lord Krishna." I asked him unable to believe him.

He did not reply instead he just smiled.

"Am I dead?." I asked him but deep down I knew it was not possible. My whole body hurt like hell. If I was dead I could feel no pain.

"Let me make one thing clear you are not dead. Calchakra was tampered and due to it you are here. You are in dvapara yug to complete some incomplete work of your's." Lord Krishna replied making my wide in realization.

Dwaraka. Shree Krishna. Dvapara yug. It meant one thing crossed my mind. Mahabharat.

"I can't stay here. My parents would be worried if they do not find me. I have to go back. We were attached. They need medical help. Can you please help me go back. They are hurt. This is not the place I belong." I continued to ramble. He looked at me with a sad smile and told me something that shook me to the core.

"They are dead . There time in kaliyug is over and so is your's. And you are the only one who survived."

No my parents are not dead. This is not true. My parents always keep their promises, they never break it. They promised to never leave me. This is a horrible nightmare. Wake up. Mom will wake me up now and I will have to get ready to leave for collage. He is playing a prank to make fun of me.

I looked at Lord no bharata Krishna, he looked like he knew what was going on in my mind.

"Priye it is the truth. You will have to believe it. They are now in a better place where no one can hurt them."

"They left me alone" I said as hot tears streamed down my face

"Who said they left you alone they are always there in your heart. Moreover they are watching over you from there. Little by little you should let go of the loss but never of love. I thought you considered me as your brother "

"I consider you as my brother and I know you won't leave me alone."

Even though his words were smoothing but it did not ease the unbearable pain I feel knowing I will never be able to see them. I don't want them to see me cry. I should be strong. They won't like to see me weak. I wiped the tear not wanting to cry anymore.

"Grief never ends, but it changes. It's a passage not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith. It is price of love. You know over time our tears will help us to heal the pain and soothe the hurt we feel."

His this were enough for me to throw myself at him and cry my heart out. For a few minutes no one talked. He hugged me back. He rubbed my back making me calm down a little. After a few minutes later I calm down that's when I realized whom I was hugging. I detached myself from him mumbling a sorry. He shook his head smiling.

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one caan steal. You should cherish the memories of your parents but is should not stop you from moving on" He said with a smile. I did not know what to say so I just smiled. That's when I remembered something.

"You said I am in Dvapuryug right, but I don't know anyone here. I don't know anything about this yug. I don't even know the language spoken by the people here. What will I tell people about where I am from. What will happen when I leave from here after completing that work you told me about. Most importantly what is the work I need to complete " I asked him my doubts. He had a amused look on his face.

"Till now you were talking with me right did you feel any difference" He asked me.

I shook my head as I did not feel any difference. Thats when I realized I have been talking in sanscrikt. I was able to understand and talk in sanskrit. Till now I did not notice any difference.

"And about living where do you think my sister will stay. My family is your family right. Then about people they all think you are Vasudev's another daughter who was away for her studies. Impotantly you are not here to leave but to stay" I don't know whether to cry or smile at the irony of my life.

"What was the work you said about" I asked him.

"If I answer all your questions what fun will it be" he said with a mischievous smile. I had so many unanswered questions. Only one can answer the questions but he is giving me riddles to solve.

"Bhrata Krishna you told me I am in dwapara yuga so that means I am in the past right? I looked at him for conformation when he did I continued. "My presence here will affect the future right. And in Kaliyug won't people notice my absence?".

"Ofcourse it will affect the future. If possible many things can be mended. Relations can be build, deaths of many innocent can be prevented and what not cannot be done. And for your absence in Kaliyug, You are considered as you fell off from the cliff. Police have stopped searching for you and declaimed you dead." At the last part I felt extremely sad knowing nothing could be done to prevent it.

"You mean I have the power to change the future." I asked

"In a way yes, you can change certain events. But events that lead to Draupadi's marrage to the five pandavas should not be meddled. She had asked for the boon from Mahadev. But certain events like Abhimanyu's and upapandavas death can be prevented." Bhrata Krishna replied with a far away look. I had a feeling like he is not telling me something but I decided to ignore it

"No one should know you are from future it will make you the target of many. You should rest. You had a long journey." He said as he stood up.

He bend down and helped me to lay down on the bed. He patted my hair lovingly. I closed my eyes as I feel myself drifting to a sleep.


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