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It's been three days since Kunti reaveled her deepest secret to Juhi and unknowingly to Arjun

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It's been three days since Kunti reaveled her deepest secret to Juhi and unknowingly to Arjun. In these three days many things has changed in thee royal palace unknown to the people living there.

For Juhi thesse three days were a bliss. She has convinced Kunti to reveal the truth about Karna's birth. In the mornings she would spend her time with Dushala and Subhadra or with the pandavas. But her nights were reserved for Karna. For the past three days both of them without fail would come to the garden were they met for the first time. Juhi and Karna unknown to each other has started to develop a mysterious feeling which they themself is unaware about.

The past three days have been a pure torture for Arjun. He was waiting for a chance to comfort his mother about Karna's truth but was unable to do so because of the upcoming wedding preprations. He couldn't look at his brothers without feeling guilt for hidding the truth from them. Arjun tried his best to mend his relation with Karna making his brothers wonder whether he was the same Arjun who had insulted Karna in Rangbhoomi.

Kunti was in delemma as to whether to reveal the truth to everyone or keep silent like Priyamvada suggested. Kunti knew one thing if she keep silent now then she surely will lose one of her son. Juhi was her constant support. All she know is that she is blindly trusting Juhi in this.


Today was the much awaited day for everyone in Hastinapur. The whole kingdom was celebrating the wedding of the only rajkumari of Hastinapur. All the members of the royal family was busy with the wedding preperation.

Soon the wedding ceremony started. Dushala looked no less than a godness. She was accompanied to the mandep by Subhadra and Juhi. They made her sit near sindhu raj. Juhi stood near kunti and Gandhari who had tears in their eyes.

Karna couldn't keep his eyes off Juhi. She looked so beautiful. He felt an unknown feeling in his heart. Juhi turned around feeling a heated gaze on her. Her eyes met with the dark brown eyes that was keenly observing her every move. Karn and Juhi shared a small eye lock before she was called by Kunti. She blushed and lowered her head and went from there. Unknown to both all these silent communication was seen by someone.

The bidai was the saddest part for everyone. Dushala hugged her parents and cried. She hugged all her brothers. She is gonna miss them all. She hugged Subhadra and Juhi who had tears in their eyes. In these small period of time itself Dushala had became close to Juhi. Everyone felt an unknown emptiness in their hearts. Duryodhana was trying hard to keep a blank face but a tear fell from his eyes when Dushala hugged him.

Dushala soon took everyone's blessing and left with her husband and his family for the new journey of her life. One by one all the guests took their leave.


Mahadev Temple

"Rajmata did you think about the consequences of your action. You told the yadavkumari the secret that you hide from everyone for the past 30 years. Do you think she will be silent after knowing it? She must be planning something big that must be the reason she is silent till now. She is not as innocent as she portrays." Priyamvada said.

"No Juhi is not like that. She is an innocent soul. I trust her and I am sure she won't break my trust. She is afterall krishna's sister." Kunti said defending Juhi.

"Rajmata you are trusting that yuvadakumari blindly. What will you do once she break your trust? She won't be the one who will be suffering it will be you."

Before Kunti could say something a voice interrupted them.

"Sorry to interrupt your converstion but while passing by I heard my name being mentioned so I thought why not become a part of the conversation I was mentioned."

Juhi came forward and took Kunti's blessings. She greeted Priyamvada, who stayed silent.

"Trust holds fast, standing firm until deliverence arrives or a solution is found. My mother once told me that I should never disappoint a person who trusts me and I always follow my mother's words." Juhi said looking at Priyamvda.

"Yuvadakumari sometimes it is better to stay silent in matters that does not concern you." Priyamvada said giving Juhi a pointed look.

"Who said this matter does not concern me? Bua Kunti is like a mother to me and it is the responsibility of a daughter to keep her mother happy and I am sure bua Kunti will not be happy if her own sons fight among themselves." Juhi said.

"Do you think that by revealing the truth everyone will be happy? Did you think about the society? They will never accept Karna. He will be called an illegimate child. The pandavas will hate Rajmata. The pandavas will never accept karna as their brother. Their hatred for Karna will only increase. Karna will hate rajmata for abandoning him. Then a situvation will arise where rajmata should chose between Karn or Pandavas. If she chose pandavas then this truth will surely affect their relations in future. If she chose Karna over padavas then she will lose her five sons. What is the use if she lose the five for gaining one?" Priyamvada said.

"Pandavas will never hate bua. They will be angry and dissapointed but not hate. Karna is their elder brother and it is their dharma to will accept him. They don't hate Karna it is just a misunderstanding that has created a small rift between them. And as for Karna I am sure he is mature enough to understand the situvation which forced bua Kunti to abandon him." Juhi said looking at Kunti who had tears iin her eyes.

"Fine. Yudishtir, Bheem and the twins may accept Karna because their is no hared between them. But what about Arjun? Their hatred for each other is very clear. Both will never forget what happened in Rangbhoomi. Arjun will never accept karna and the rest of his brother and Rajmata will be forced to accept one between the two. They surely will lose one for gaining one." Priyamvada argued.

"Never. A situvation like that would never arise." a voice said making the three women to freeze.


Hi guys,

Firstly I am sorry for updating late. I had some personal problems that was why I was unable to update.

Hope you all like this chapter.

Do vote and comment for more chapters.

Next update will be on Sunday.

Till then,


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