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"Never. A situvation like that would never arise."a voice said making the three women to freeze.

Recovering from the shock the three women looked at the source of the voice.There stood Arjun in all his glory. Kunti let out a shaky breath.

"Angraj Karna is my brother and what made you think I will not accept him. He is our big brother and the rightful heir of the Hastinapur throne." Arjun said.

"Arjun please listen to me. Its not " Kunti started only to be interrupted by Arjun.

"I know maa. I know Angraj Karna is my brother whom you abandoned at young age due to your helplessness." He said making her eyes to widen.

"How long has it been since you have known that karna is your brother?" Kunti asked.

"Since the past three days."

"See Rajmata I told you not to trust this yuvadakumari blindly now see she broke your trust by revealing it to Rajkumar Arjun." Priyamvada said pointing her finger at Juhi.

"No bua I promise I never told anyone about Karna's identity. Please belive me." Juhi said looking at kunti.

"No mata Juhi is innocent. She did not break your trust. It is not Juhi who revealed the truth I overheard your conversation with Juhi that day." Arjun said.

"Arjun please forgive your mother. Please don't hate me." Kunti said breaking down into tears. Juhi came forward and hugged Kunti in an attempt to calm her. Arjun too had tears in his eyes seeing his mother cry.

"Mata please do not cry. Why would I ever hate you. Maa I love and respect you. You have been so strong even though you were breaking inside." Arjun said as he hugged Kunti. Kunti cried her heart out. Juhi looked at the mother and son duo.

"Mata just remember I will always be with you no matter what. Not only me but bhratashree Yudhishtir, bhratashree Bheem, Nakul and Sahdev will always be with you, mata." He said making Kunti look at him.

Juhi and Arjun helped Kunti to stand up. She looked tired and pale. Her usual glow has dissapeared from her face. She looked aged all of a sudden.

"Bua I told you right when you reveal the truth everything would be alright. You should tell the other five also they have the right to know. It will be better to hear from you than knowing it in some other way." Juhi said with smile.

Kunti was now sure about her decision. Afterall a mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. The mother in her have finally overpowered all her fears. The time has come for her to reveal the birth truth of Karna.


Silence adorned the room as Kunti, Arjun and Juhi waited for Karna and pandavas to arrive. It was decided by Kunti that she will reveal the truth today istelf much to priyamvada's displeasure.

"Rajmata pandu putras and Angraj Karna have arrived." a daasi said breaking the silence.

"Let them in and do not permit anyone else to enter my chamber." Kunti said.

Soon the door opened and in entered Karna accompanied by the pandavas. The five of them went forward and took Kunti's blessings. Karna looked at Arjun and Juhi who stood silently at the corner of the chamber.

"Rajmata you called for me is it something important?" Karna asked.

"Mata is there any problem that you have summoned us immediatly?" Yudhishtir asked as he saw the worried look of Kunti.

Everyone looked at Kunti waiting for an answer. Kunti looked at Arjun and Juhi, they gave her an assuring smile. Kunti took a deep breath before starting.

"Angraj have you ever wondered about the divine armour? How you got it?" Kunti aked Karna.

"Radha maa told me that I have possessed this armour since I was a baby. I don't have any other knowledge about this armour. Why are you asking this rajmata? Do you know anything about this armour?"

"This armour was a gift from your biological father." Kunti said looking directly into Karna's eyes.

"How do you know this? Do you know who my biological parents are? Do you know anything about them?" Karna bombared Kunti with questions.

Kunti nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Please tell me rajmata. Who are they? Please tell me. I beg you. Please." Karn asked Kunti with folded hands. Kunti's heart wrenched at the sight.

"Today I am going to answer all your questions. But please listen to me comepletely before judging me. After hearing this nothing will be same as it was before. Please don't hate me for what I have done."

"Mata you are making us all worried. Please tell before we assume something or the other." Yudhishtir asked worried.

"Rishi Durvasa who was pleased with my devotion and services for him granted me a boon. It was a mantra that could be used to invoke a God and he would bless me with a child. Out of impetuous curiosity I invoked Surya dev. He blessed me with a son. The child was as glorious as his divine father and was born with a natural impenetrable golden armour and ear ring. I still remember how he grasped my finger with his small hand." Tears spilled from Kunti's eyes. Juhi and Arjun too had tears in their eyes.

Kunti took a deep breath before continuing.

"I was a maiden at that time. My father was preparing for my swayamvar. I didn't know what to do. I was young and foolish enough to not know the seriousness of the boon. My father's reputation was in my hands. I was afraid of the society and for the future of my child. I was all alone. I was helpless." Kunti paused and looked at everyone.

"Then" Bheem asked wanting Kunti to continue.

"I was left with no other option than abandoning the innocent child. I layed the baby in a basket and left the basket in river Ganga. I knew mother Ganga would never let anything bad happen to my son. I stood there and watched helplessly as the basket flouted away from me. After my marraige I told about my son to Arya Pandu and he has promised to help me find him. But even he failed to find my son. I thought I would never meet him. I felt like an unkucky mother. I prayed to Mahadev to help me find my son and my prayers were answered by him. I meet my son again."

"Who is he mata? What is his name?" Yudhishtir asked Kunti even though he understood as to whom Kunti was referring to.

Kunti looked at Karna with teary eyes before answering Yudhishtir's question.

"Karna is my son."


Hi Guys,

Hope you all liked the chapter.

@SS5588 @winx9494701824 @DaisyGooyal you guys have guessed it right. It was indeed Arjun.

Finally the truth is out.

What do you think will be karna's and the rest of the pandavas reaction?

Next chapter will be updated on Tuesday.

Till then,


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