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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Karna laid on the bed admiring Juhi. A few strand of hair fell on her face disturbing her sleep. He slowly brushed the strands of hair from her face. He fingers gently brushing on her cheeks making a smile to appear on her face. His traced his thump over her swollen lips. He still can't believe he had marked her his. Whole of her belongs to him and him alone.

Karn wanted nothing more than to stay here on the bed with her but time and his position as the king of Anga doesn't allow him. With a sigh he was about to get up from the bed when a hand stopped him. He looked at Juhi with a confused face. He raised his eyebrows in an questioning manner.

"Where are you going?" Juhi asked sleeply.

"Juhi it's early dawn and it will be morning. I have to go to offer prayers." Karna said making Juhi groan.

"Its morning already. But I just slept a few hours ago. Anyway why do we have to wake up so early?" Juhi said getting up clutching the duvet around her.

"You sleep for some more time Juhi. Yesterday we had a long night and you need rest otherwise you will look dull and moody due to lack of sleep. I don't want the queen of Anga to look sleep depressed now do I?" Karna said patting her head.

"Mmmm come back soon." She mumbled going back to sleep.

"Will come back soon dear. I love you." He said pressing a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you more." She mumbled in her sleep making him smile.


Dawn sent shimmering rays over the placid river, bestowing a golden path from the shore to the horizon. The sky has softened to a blue and the clouds are blushed like a new bride. The air is delicate and cool to kiss the skin with moisture. The atmosphere was so refreshing and pleasant.

Karna stood waist submerged facing the east doing his morning prayers. He poured the water in the vessel to the river and looked at the rising sun through the torrent of the water from the vessel. He chanted the various slogans of the suryadev offering the water to the sun. He touched the vessel with his forehead completing his morning prayers. He turned and walked out of the river wrapping his angavastra around his shoulders.

"Karna" A voice called out making Karna stop in his way.

Karna turned and looked at the owner of the voice with a smile on his face.

"Guru Parashuram" He whispered looking at the person behind him.

He walked towards Parashuram and took his blessings.

"Kalyan ho putr." Parashuram blessed.

"Its good to see you after so many days Gurudev." Karna said with a smile.

"Not days Karna but years. Its been nine years since I last saw you." Parashuram said with a smile.

"I still can't believe its nine years gurudev. Its quite terrifying to see how this time flies." Karna said.

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