13. Zabuza vs Badass Trio! {REWRITING}

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Tw: Swearing
Edit: Dw I'm just remaking the image, it'll be back soon.



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The battlefield was tense as both Luna and Zabuza stared at each other. Luna had to bite her lip to hide her smirk, quickly realizing he wasn't looking in her eyes. She soon directed her attention to her teammates as they discussed a plan. They looked over at her for approval or any signs of disagreement as she simply nodded giving them a smirk.

It had been a while since the three have fought anyone challenging. They have only fought and sparred with each other and it was getting boring as they were practically in sync when fighting. The bell survival test only gave them a taste of a good challenge.

The trio soon faced the water clone. Their eyes narrowed as they were finally ready to put their plan into action.

Zabuza glared at the three, feeling uneasy about what they were planning. "You should give up. Even with your skills, you're still just a bunch of inexperienced brats."

Luna rose an eyebrow. "Who said we're inexperienced?"

The confusion in both the genin's opponent and sensei increased as they gazed over the small group. Naruto soon stepped forward glaring straight through Zabuza's clone to Zabuza himself.

"Put this in your stupid Bingo book" He paused glancing behind him at his teammates gaining a smirk before facing Zabuza once again. "The ninja that will be the next Hokage's name is Naruto Uzumaki and I never back down!"

Luna smirked feeling a burst of reassurance from his words. The genin soon saw an opening from Zabuza's clone. As if in sync Sasuke stood in front of Luna, both Naruto and him now shielding most of her body from view. While her male teammates shielded her, Luna quickly did hand signs and soon disappeared from her spot.

Smoke soon appeared in front of Zabuza's clone engulfing it. Sounds of battle could be heard from inside the smoke as Sasuke and Naruto both anxiously waited for the smoke to clear. Soon the smoke dispersed revealing both Luna and Zabuza with their swords locked.

Luna gritted her teeth as the clone added more force to his weapon causing her to be pushed back slightly. Her struggling was soon replaced with a smirk as she added chakra to her feet. Before the clone could question her sudden change a gust of air came from his back.

He turned just in time to see Naruto doing his hand signs and a kunai in front of him.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A bunch of naruto's soon tackled Zabuza causing him to be engulfed by all of them, Luna jumping away just in time. Luna regrouped with Sasuke catching her breath. Soon Zabuza burst through the Naruto shadow clones causing random poofs of smoke.

While using the cover of smoke from the clones, Luna charged at the water clone who blocked her sword before the blade could strike him. Luna shifted her feet slightly putting more pressure on the swords. She could faintly hear naruto call out to Sasuke as she smirked through her gritted teeth.

"Demon Wind Shuriken: Windmill of shadows!"

Sasuke's voice boomed across the battlefield attracting attention as the shuriken sliced through the air. Luna quickly knelt while the water clone was distracted. As soon as the shuriken passed, Luna kicked the clone's legs from under it and digging her sword into it as it stumbled causing it to burst into cold water. She shivered from the sudden coldness on her legs before gaining a victorious smirk.

"I gotcha shins, bitch!"

Luna soon directed her attention towards the main action just in time for Naruto to throw his kunai directly at Zabuza. Zabuza soon released Kakashi to catch the surprise kunai.

Both Naruto and Kakashi crashed in the water as Luna bounced on the balls of her feet in victory eventually pulling Sasuke into a sideways hug who nudged her with his elbow.

"Calm down, It's not over yet."

Luna's face hardened as she nodded facing away from Sasuke and towards the battle once again.

The now enraged Zabuza spun around ready to throw the shuriken at naruto only to be blocked by Kakashi who stared at him with a cold glare. His now wet hair was tossed to the side, stuck to his face.

Pink dusted Luna's cheeks in a Kirby style as she collapsed against Sasuke staring hard at the ground with wide, flustered eyes. Sasuke simply focused on the battle lazily supporting her weight.

Luna soon regained her senses just as a huge wave flooded towards both her, Sasuke and
Tazuna and Sakura stood behind them. Her eyes widen before she forced her hands to quickly make hand signs.

"Water Style: Water Wall!"

A wall of water soon appeared in front of the group protecting them from the crashing waves as the water slowly calmed. Luna expelled the jutsu, stumbling from the sudden exhaustion of chakra. Sasuke quickly grabbed her shoulder to keep her upright sending her a raised eyebrow.

Luna simply nodded releasing her kenkei genkai as her eyes glanced over to the "dead" Zabuza. She quickly ignored her sensei and haku's conversation and instead tried to relieve her pounding headache. Kakashi's body fell limp as Naruto rushed to his aid.

Luna frowned, "Chakra exhaustion."

Naruto made a sound of agreement before nodding towards Sasuke, who hesitantly released Luna's shoulder. As Sasuke made his way toward his hyper teammate, Luna sent an apologetic smile to Sakura.

"I need a little help here."

Sakura stiffly nodded, hooking her arm around Luna's waist as the said girl wrapped her arm around her shoulder. The duo made their way towards Tazuna who watched as Sasuke and Naruto lifted their unconscious sensei.

His eyes wandered to the approaching duo, nodding towards a pathway.

"My house isn't far. We can head there so you all could rest."

Luna nodded gratefully as her male teammates grunted under their sensei's weight. She allowed a tired yet devious smirk to pull her lips.

"Come on boys, We have a long way to go!"


Hi, Strawberry here! Sorry for the short chapter.

I hope you have a great day or night💤!

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