19. Stalker? {Editing}

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Tw: Swearing



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             The trees rustled as the wind blew through them, their leaves following the wind's trail. The small squeaks of animals were heard as the warm air blew through their fur as the leaves traveled down to the forest floor. The water crashed softly against the sides of the river as it flowed through the stones at the bottom. The forest was filled with sounds from nature creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Then there was silence.

It was as if the world had frozen completely. The wind stopped blowing, the trees stopped rustling, the animals stopped squeaking and the water stopped crashing. As if time had hit pause, only unpausing when a pair of stormy gray eyes revealed themselves.

The owner of the eyes' chest heaved as she took in deep greedy breaths. Sweat dripped down her jaw as she slumped from her previous sitting position, stretching her legs out as she leaned back on her arms. Looking up, she could see the sun just beginning to rise across the Hokage faces.

Meaning she had a total of 2 hours to get back home before Sasuke could even realize she was gone.

Luna rose from her spot stretching out her stiff limbs. There were less than 24 hours until the chunin exams now and her team had been training like crazy, well as crazy as they could within the last two days. They had all agreed that today should be a rest day to prepare for the exams, explaining why she had to sneak out in the middle of the night to get some last-minute training in.

She was mostly training her chakra sensing as she was the only one in her team who had a chance to sense Orochimaru before he struck. And top it off with the fact that things were changing because of her, she didn't know what to expect. But that's not even considering that she might not even be able to participate.

Even though her headaches had calmed into nothing but a soft ache behind her eyes, there were still times when sharp pains would hit her temples. Plus, she'd rather not have a major pain in her head like the last one. Especially in the middle of battle.

Luna trudged through the thick forest, easily avoiding its obstacles as she retreated from the abandoned clearing.

She broke free from the tree line, arriving at the village as she glanced up at the sun one more time before running the rest of the way home.


Luna snuck into her room from the window, wincing at the creak her foot made against the hardwood floor. She glared at the floor and quickly looked around, checking her surrounding before allowing herself to relax. She removed the weapon pouch from around her waist placing it on her dresser just as her lights turned on. She swiped a kunai from her thigh turning around as she held it threateningly. In the corner of her room sat Sasuke in a swivel chair.

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