27. Truths Unraveled

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Tw: Blood, Detailed Pain



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Luna slept peacefully for what felt like the first time in forever. She couldn't remember the last time she simply just floated in a dark abyss, her mind empty of any double-meaning dreams or warnings. Just her and the familiar weight in her limbs. Not even the dull pain behind her eyes interrupted her sleep (surprisingly enough) as it pounded in her skull.

And all it took was a soft rustle to wake her up. Sleep still clouded Luna's mind as she focused on Sakura's chakra that was kneeling near the boys. She could only assume she was changing the cloth on their foreheads. If the sound of water was anything to go by. Luna listened as the girl's breathing slowed before speeding up with a gasp.

Exhaustion came from the girl in waves. It made Luna realize that the pinkette had taken the night shift on her own, ignoring the younger's order to switch in two hours. Or she was still taking Night Shift? Not like Luna could see at the moment.

The reminder of her physical state made Luna
wince. The headband was back on as quickly as it was off, an intense wave of pain making the girl lose her protein bar. And while she tried to not let Sakura's reaction get to her, (the girl still refusing to explain what she saw) worry settled in her stomach. While she was a shinobi, training to kill and conquer, nobody said she couldn't find pleasure in beauty. Sure it might sound weird that she's more worried about her looks than the possibility of being permanently allergic to light. Or air. But she's a simple-minded person.

Luna could hear Sakura doze off again before snapping out of it with a gasp. It became apparent that the girl hadn't slept. With a soft sigh, Luna sat up from the dirt. She ignored the ache in her back as she stood, catching the pink-haired girl's attention.

"Luna?" She heard Sakura ask. Her voice echoed through the tree roots despite how softly it was spoken.

"Get some sleep, Sakura. I'll take over from here." The younger girl reassured her.

"Are you sure?" Luna could hear the concern in her voice and while she meant well, Luna resisted rolling her eyes.

"I'm sure. Rest"

It didn't take much convincing after that. Before Luna knew it, Sakura was asleep. Her soft breathing was the only sign to the Brisa that she was alive. The girl couldn't stop the surprised chuckle from leaving her lips.

'If only the boys were like that. Less stubborn.'

A weak groan interrupted her thoughts and If it wasn't for the years of living with him, Luna probably would've never recognized it as the Uchiha. Her eyebrows furrowed as she felt for the boy's chakra, eventually finding herself knelt by his head. His breathing was labored as she listened to it, her concerned frown feeling permanent as a hiss left the boy's gritted teeth. The curse mark pulsed with chakra as Luna was forced to 'watch' the boy suffer. Her frown deepened at the thought.

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