7. At last, Genin

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Tw: Swearing




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        The soft rustling of leaves gently woke Luna as she curled in on herself, something soft brushing over her hip. She probably would've brushed it off by normal standards and buried herself in her blankets. But this wasn't a normal standard as a harsh shiver shook down her spine.

Her eyes shot open, taking in the familiar dark clearing. Her shoulders slumped as she sighed through her nose, rising to her feet. The light blue dress that had once pooled around her knees stretched to graze her ankles showing off the splits that started mid-thigh down the sides of the dress. The dress was shoulderless, instead meeting at the back of her neck like a halter top which didn't help her against the harsh winds.

The clearing Luna stood in had blue and white flowers scattered around it, none of them she could ever recognize but she could tell they had deeper meanings than they gave off. Tall trees outlined the clearing, and now that she was twelve, Luna could see their true height. The trees parted creating a path across from her, that was lit up by the lanterns hiding in the trees' branches.

Luna didn't hesitate as she followed the path, taking her time to glance at the familiar wildlife that watched her from the safety of the forest. She didn't falter as she reached the cave entrance, being greeted by the familiar tree that grew in the middle of the huge cavern. The tree was surrounded by soft grass that couldn't be found anywhere else in the cave. The tree itself was bigger than the trees surrounding the area and its lanterns glowed a soft blue. Its bark was engraved with symbols that Coral had once told her not to mind nor question, that they were unimportant for the time being. That didn't stop her from spending hours studying the bark.

Scratchy footsteps brought Luna out of her thoughts glancing over to the opening of another cave connected to the main one. A bird the size of at least two houses stepped into the main cave. Its feathers were odd, being colored blue and white and its eyes copied its feathers perfectly in color.

Luna wasn't surprised at the bird's appearance. "Coral."

"Luna." Coral's voice echoed in her head as she winced, unprepared as usual.

"Why am I here this time?" Luna questioned as she sighed, turning away from the large tree that only glowed brighter.

Coral's eyes crinkled in amusement. "What can I not just want you to visit me?"

Luna scoffed, shaking her head. "No. not really."

Coral hummed before turning towards the cave exit. "Walk with me."

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