32. Accidents Are Always Avoidable

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Tw: Cursing, Fighting, Gore, Death :)



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       "First battle! Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado!"

Luna and the rest of Team Seven stood on the balcony of the Arena, hovering over it as their teammate stood below them. Sasuke looked oddly smug being the first round in the arena. Even with the position that the mark on his neck forced him in. Luna could feel Kakashi staring hard at the boy from over her shoulder, watching him for any signs of a slip-up. But the boy seemed unbothered in the Arena as he stood across his opponent, Yoroi Akado. Luna couldn't bash him for it though, she felt just as confident in him. He would win. She knew it.

The rest of the genin teams on the balcony stood apart, and with them being more spread out, Luna could easily pinpoint everyone there. Hell, she even sensed Nova's team. As surprising as that was. Were they there in the original?

"If both opponents are ready, the match may begin," The proctor and referee of the rounds announced, pulling Luna out of her thoughts. Both boys got in their stances and Sakura shuffled closer to Luna who leaned against the railings.

"Ready!" The boy with a mask confirmed from across Sasuke.

The Uchiha nodded. "Same here!"


At the proctor's shout, Yoroi threw three shurikens across the Arena. All of which met the Uchiha's kunai, flying back to his opponent. Before the boy could blink, Yoroi was in front of him, chakra in his fist as he attempted to swing down on him. Sasuke threw his body away and on the floor, his kunai keeping him from being blown away by the chakra in the boy's fist. He kicked his legs out, bringing Yoroi to the floor. His legs then wrapped around his opponent's arm, one leg laying over and under the boy's neck while the other laid over his neck and shoulders, holding him down while his hand grabbed at the arm in his grip.

Naruto recognized the move instantly, glancing at the Brisa who stood above him before his eyes darted back down to the fight. She had put them in that same position more times than he could count while sparring with them. It was about time that one of them caught on to it. Hell, maybe she'd get a taste of her own medicine next time the two spar.

"He's got him pinned!" Naruto cheered out, mostly giving narration to Luna as he peered between the railings from where he sat.

The Brisa smiled at that ruffling the blonde's hair in a wordless thanks before she felt chakra spike up from Yoroi. She sensed as the boy sucked away her friend's strength before slamming out of his grip, jumping away. Luna frowned.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, hands gripping at his shirt as he struggled to sit up only to be pushed back to his back as Yoroi's chakra hand gripped his skull, draining him of his chakra. His hands that gripped the boy's wrist fell limp and Luna felt her heart drop into her stomach. She could feel the chakra leaving his body. Draining into his opponent's hand. Her grip on the railing tightened.

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