5. Spar

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TW: Swearing



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Luna had made quite the appearance by the time the bell rang throughout the school, signaling lunch. Most of the information taught was things she already knew from reading or from the homeschooling her mother taught her. And while she didn't go out of her way to be a showoff, she answered questions reasonably quickly whenever she was called out for not paying attention. By the fourth question, everyone in the classroom got the hint that she was further ahead when it came to the subject. She could still remember the glares that were burned into her back when Sasuke gave her a single nod for answering the question.

The Uchiha had already sped out of the room, mumbling something about meeting her outside the moment the bell rang. That left her and the blonde snoring beside her.

She glanced at the blonde with pursed lips, eyeing the drool pooling under him as she hesitated to wake him up. She glanced at the door, remembering her waiting friend, and sighed. Taking one last look at the blonde's peaceful face, she shook his shoulder softly and hoped it would be enough to wake him up. It wasn't. It took three more shakes, each becoming more and more aggressive before he finally grumbled awake. The blonde jolted awake, eyes glancing at the brown-skinned girl before he stretched back in his chair with a whine.

"Good Morning..." The Uzumaki mumbled, his words slightly slurred as he rubbed his eyes rid of sleep. Luna couldn't fight the fond grin that grew on her lips as she chuckled softly at the blonde.

"Good Morning to you too, Naruto. Come on, Sasuke's waiting for us outside for lunch."

With a whine and slight protesting, Luna managed to drag Naruto outside to meet with Sasuke. She watched as he plopped into the tree swing, Sasuke sitting against the trunk as he watched the blonde with annoyance. Luna offered the dark-haired boy a grin before sitting next to him against the tree and closer to Naruto. The Uchiha had already started eating from his bento box that his mother had kindly packed for both of them and Luna's heart warmed as she opened hers, mentally thanking the woman. Naruto watched as the two enjoyed their bentos, his eyes darkening before he quickly averted his eyes to the children playing on the nearby playground.

Luna's sharp eyes easily caught his reaction and her eyes wandered his person, searching for any form of food on him. Her warm heart ached when she found none. With no guardian at home, it made sense. But it still wasn't fair.

So with a new resolve in mind, she shuffled closer to the blonde. She picked up some rice with minor struggle with her chopsticks, holding her free hand under it as she turned her body to the still-distracted blonde. With a roll of her eyes, she nudged the blonde with her foot, grabbing his attention. He eyed the rice held out to him in surprise, eyes glancing up to Luna before shyly back down at the white rice. She nudged the rice closer to him, encouraging him to eat it as Sasuke watched the interaction from behind her. It didn't take much more encouragement for Naruto as he took the bite of rice, humming in delight as he chewed the food given to him. Luna nodded to herself, content as she also ate a bit of rice.

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