34. Answers

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Tw: Cursing



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         Luna's skin crawled as she followed the team into the forest. Night had long since fallen over the village, leaving the forest dark with nothing but the moonlight to guide them. Begrudgingly, Luna was grateful for the blindfold Ezra had given her. The genin and murderer's chakra sources were so concealed, Luna would only be able to sense them with the help of her Kekkei Genkai. And the ache behind her eyes told her it wouldn't be too cooperating. Ezra and the genin wormed their way through the forest with skill and experience while Luna tripped over branches and whacked leaves out of her face in annoyance. Every stumble was a reminder of why joining the ANBU was out of the question.

That paired with the awkward silence had Luna fidgeting a lot. What was she supposed to say? Oh sorry for killing your teammate even if she was a bitch? Oh! And her morbid death was an accident. No. Over her soon-to-be dead body. So instead, she resolved to stay silent, doing nothing but trailing after them as the team guided her into the forest. She didn't mind it much, it left her alone with her thoughts.

Like how her mother's murderer was going to gut her alive in the forest with her little gremlins.

She wasn't given much time to dwell on it, however, as she stumbled after the team into a clearing. It was small, easily undetected surrounded by thick branches and vegetation. There were only two tents in the clearing. A large one that stood sturdy in the middle of it and a smaller one off to the side. The perfect place for a murder's hideout.

Luna shivered at the thought, barely noticing the two genins trailing off from her and Ezra, whispering to each other as they walked to the smaller tent. Ezra glanced over her shoulder, her bored electric blue eyes sending a sick feeling to the young Brisa's stomach.

"Follow me." She ordered and didn't wait for a response as she sauntered to the large tent. Luna watched, hesitant as the older woman disappeared behind the tent's flaps. She closed her eyes for a moment under the blindfold, calming the sick feeling creeping up her stomach before forcing herself to follow the woman into the tent.

'I'm so fuckin stupid.'

The tent was just as Luna expected. Cluttered and messy. Just like the cave from before. Papers of unfinished sketches in ink were scattered around the floor and table, some pieces of the old paper covered with scrambled words or thoughts. The handwriting was too rushed for her to read it. Just like before.

Ezra stood, jotting words on an almost completely covered piece of paper when Luna finally fully stepped into the tent. She didn't pay the girl any mind for a moment, finishing her thought with rushed handwriting before letting the pen drop from her fingers. Luna watched as she braced herself on the table. A heavy sigh left her lips as she nodded to herself before peeking at the paper under her. Luna wasn't sure what she was waiting for but when her eyes darted back to the snow-haired girl, they held a firm resolve.

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