3. The Uchiha Household

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Tw: Swearing



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The trio consisting of two Uchiha and a Brisa walked down the streets of the Uchiha compound. The trio gained stares but mostly because of the rumored Brisa who kept her gaze to her feet. She couldn't help but question how fast word travels across the village for the amount of eyes on her.

She could hear Coral's soft snickers from the mind link and despite her annoyance, she couldn't help but relax at the creatures familiar company. She occasionally glanced up, watching carefully not to bump into others. No use in gaining a bad image somewhere you're already suspicious in.

The group eventually made it to a Japanese-style house that seemed to hold more authority than the others. Luna took notice of how the Uchihas' perked up at the sight of the house before straightening her posture. Her nerves bubbled under her skin as she took her shoes off at the entrance of the house.

The youngest Uchiha soon bolted down the hallway of the house, his older brother following soon after with Luna trailing behind him.


Luna turned the corner, catching sight of the young Uchiha hugging who she could guess was his mother. There was really only one sentence to describe Luna's first impression of the woman. She was beautiful. Whether it be because she was an Uchiha who are known for their attractiveness or just her in general. The woman had pitch-black hair that fell to the middle of her back and onyx eyes that seemed to understand all your problems from one glance. She was practically glowed motherly, much like Luna's own mother.

Sasuke pulled away from his mother with a grin. "We brought someone with us!"

His mother hummed, glancing up at the doorway where Luna stood still in a daze. Her eyes filled with admiration as she rose to her feet softly releasing her youngest son's hands.

"You must be Luna." Her voice was warm and comforting much like Luna's mother when she wasn't scolding her or her siblings.

"I- uh yeah- Yes! I am."

The woman nodded beckoning the girl closer who obeyed. Luna shuffled away from the doorway finally entering the living room. The woman smiled, noticing the girl's hesitance.

"My name's Mikoto Uchiha. I hope my sons didn't trouble you too much, dear."

Luna quickly shook her head. "No. They were actually good company."

Mikoto chuckled softly. "That's good to hear."

Mikoto quickly embraced the Brisa, the said girl's face heating up as she tensed in the motherly hold. One that she felt she had gone too long without. She eventually relaxed into the embrace, hesitantly wrapping her arms around the older woman. After a moment, Mikoto pulled away. Leaving Luna to silently curse herself for not returning the hug sooner. While it caught her off guard at first, the embrace was far too short for her liking.

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