21. The start of the Chunin Exams {Editing}

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TW: Swearing



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    Luna never thought she'd make it this far. She knew death was probably around the corner when she figured out where she was. She wasn't afraid of it, there was no reason why she should. She thought her death would be of a nobody, someone with no importance. But now, standing in front of her sensei and her teammates stood beside her. She feared that she wouldn't live for much longer.

But they didn't need to know that.

A tense silence embraced the team and their sensei as they stared at each other before Kakashi broke it.

"I'm glad to see you came, Sakura." The said girl furrowed her eyebrows at her sensei.

"What?" She mumbled. She wasn't the only one confused as both Naruto and Sasuke kept their gazes on their sensei waiting for him to explain.

"Usually, only three-man teams can apply for the exam." Kakashi paused sparing a glance at Luna who shrank back. "But they eventually changed it so only official genin teams can take the exam." The explanation didn't erase the confusion from their expressions, if anything it just increased it.

"But didn't you say it was up to us whether or not we wanted to take the exam?" Sakura asked, tilting her head.

Kakashi nodded. "I lied. If I had told you the truth then Naruto and Sasuke probably would've convinced you to apply. You would've taken the exams without actually putting any effort into it."

Luna could tell he wanted to add more and she could easily assume what he wanted to say. Sakura glanced at her teammates before returning her gaze to Kakashi.

"So, if Luna, Sasuke, and Naruto came here by themselves...?" She trailed off as Kakashi shrugged.

"I'd have no choice but not to let them pass," Naruto and Sasuke tensed as Kakashi continued, "However, all of you came on you're own which I am thankful for. I couldn't have asked for a better team."

"I could've," Luna muttered under her breath. Both Sakura and Naruto nudged her in the ribs, offended, causing her to yelp while Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I'm joking! I'm joking."

Kakashi shook his head amused, as he studied each of his students, his gaze landing on Luna last as it hardened slightly. The said girl furrowed her eyebrows, watching wearily as her sensei stepped aside revealing the door to the chunin exams. He sent his students a smile from under his mask.

"Go show them your strength!"

Luna and her teammates all nodded at their sensei. Both Sakura and Luna gripped one of the door handles while Naruto grinned at his sensei.

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