15. Something About Her

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Tw: Swearing



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The small crackle of fire

The loud cries of children

Yells and cries of parents

The glowing blue eyes of a hooded figure

The murderous scream of a girl

Gasping, Luna bolted awake in her futon as she clenched her chest through her shirt. Dried tears clung to her cheeks as her eyes darted around the dark room eventually landing on the still sleeping pinkette.

She quickly realized where she was, forcing her hands to unclench her shirt and instead place them idly beside her on the futon. Her head rolled back as she took deep breaths in hopes of calming her rapidly beating heart. The small girl eventually shakily stood, deciding that fresh air was the best option at the moment.

She wandered down the creaking stair silently, her legs shaking slightly. Almost in what seemed like seconds, Luna was trudging her way through the dark and intimidating forest. Her hands grazed the harsh bark of the surrounding trees as she allowed her feet to carry her wherever they saw fit.

The moonlight shone through the branches and the trees, giving her a source of light throughout her walk. Her bare feet showed no hesitation as they walked over dirt and rocks. It felt as if she was in a trance. But even in the trance, her mind wandered to the unusual dream that haunted her and sent shivers running down her spine.

The dream was one of the most recurring of nightmares she got after the massacre even more after the Uchiha massacre. It showed up at the weirdest moments and repeatedly appeared for the next week or so. Luna, much like Naruto, had grown used to the habits of her nightmares. While Naruto was haunted by the affects of holding Kurama and the guilt of holding the beast, Luna's biggest enemy were memories. She couldn't exactly fight off memories. So, instead the pair of best friends came up with strategies. The most efficient being the one Naruto had shared with her.

To not sleep.

Sure it wasn't healthy but it was better than sleeping and going through the repeated torture. Of course, depending on how long the nightmares lasted, you'll crash eventually.

Naruto doesn't do it as much as he did when he was younger, the reason being his strong determination. The only reason the nightmares were harsh on him when he was younger was because of his learning of the beast inside of him and the lives it took. Soon it just became fuel for his dream to be Hokage.

Luna soon slowed to a stop pressing her back to the bark of a tree. She slid into a sitting position, laying her head against the bark. She forced herself to focus on her surroundings instead of the exhaustion slowly consuming her.

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