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I stretched when I woke, feeling more rested than ever in weeks, rubbing my eyes as I took in the different surroundings. I sat up in bed and looked around, breathing in the smell of Jinyoung.

I slipped out of bed and looked around for Jinyoung, checking the toilets even to realise he was gone. My eyes stung and I willed myself not to be upset nor disappointed, going through the motions of making his bed and taking my phone from the side table before heading back to my apartment.

I showered and dressed quickly before heading to work, checking my phone to realise it was dead then. I drove to work and left my phone charging on the table even when I went for meetings, not wanting to look at it anyway. If he's going to say goodbye then he should say it to my face at least...


I heard my phone buzz and ignored it, opening new projects and holding meetings just to fill up my time.

I cleared everything ridiculously quickly that day and relooked into some projects, realising that the photo shoot with the company Jinyoung is in is coming up.

I sighed and tried not to think about it, deciding to head home in the end.


I drove in circles around the block before heading back, reluctant to go back and bump into Jinyoung.

I lingered in the car before heading up, not wanting to look like a creep either by sitting there. I hung about and ensured that the elevator was empty before boarding, speed walking back to my apartment the moment the doors open.

"Mark?" I called, stunned by Mark sitting outside my door. His eyes were red rimmed and filled with tears the moment he saw me.

He ran and threw himself at me, my arms wrapping around his skinny frame and carrying him back to my apartment.

"You didn't answer" he hiccuped, his voice muffled by my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I had a lot on my mind"

I placed him down outside my door and opened my apartment door, ushering him inside with a lingering look on Jinyoung's door. I heaved a sigh and shut my emotions like I do at work, keeping my face blank as I took Mark's luggage in.

I brewed some hot chocolate and settled on the sofa with Mark, he glued himself next to me on the spacious couch, his clinginess making me smile despite myself. I will never get how he is the older one.

We talked about random things as I gave him space, letting him slowly warm up again before probing him about why he was here.

He set his cup down quietly before reaching to me for a hug. I hugged him to my side and stroked his head as he started crying against my shoulder, letting it all out before mumbling softly about Bam.

"What did he do now" I sighed, sadly knowing that this day would come.

"He kissed someone" he hiccuped, swiping his tears from his eyes.

"Another guy?" I asked, fuming inside. I'm going to knock the shit out of Bam.


"Shit" I cursed, tugging him closer.

"He couldn't even tell me why" Mark sobbed, burying his face in my chest.

I heaved a sigh and held him, knowing that all he needed now was to cry him out.


Bam texted me that he couldn't find Mark, having searched his place and Mark's place. He flew to Mark's parents' place to check as well and asked if I had a clue, calling me during work as well.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now