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I bumped into Jinyoung a couple more times, the two of us chatting whenever we met in the carpark and in the hallway before hiding into my apartment whenever the neighbour's doors beeped.

It progressed to Jinyoung starting to hang out at my place, the two of us just chatting until it got too late. We skirted around the topic of work which I appreciated, the two of us just enjoying each other's company instead.

I knew it wasn't long before I had the interview but didn't want anything to change between us when my feelings for him was only growing stronger.




Hey Nyoung. Sorry for the really late reply.

Work has been hectic

It's alright.
Hang in there!


Probably won't be able to hang out with you tonight


It's alright.


You've got work. It's alright really.

Next month, please.


I really like hanging out with you.


I frowned whenever I checked my phone, upset that he read but didn't reply my texts. I didn't bump into Jinyoung at all despite my long working hours, crashing each night my head touched the pillow. My days passed in a slight blur, from the interview to trying to prove myself and correct my mistake.

The long month had finally reached an end, my head spinning from the lack of sleep. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel after parking, not remembering how I managed to get home.

I took a deep breath and leaned back into the seat, trying to clear my head while trying hard to not get too comfortable as I didn't want to fall asleep in the car.

I sighed as I finally got up and stepped out of the car. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat, my head spinning from straightening myself too quickly.

I clutched my forehead as I walked toward the elevators, stepping into one as the door was open. I shuffled into the empty elevator and leaned against the wall, the cool trim the metal making the side of my head feel better.

I breathed a small sigh of relief, reaching my hand out blindly and lazily for the button, hearing the doors slide shut when a ping rang and the doors opened again.

"Why. Why. When I just want to be in bed" I sighed in English, looking up to see Jinyoung enter the elevator. Oh.

"Hey. It's been awhile" he smiled, earning a weak smile from me.

"Bad day?" he asked, moving so that he was in front of me. His eyes flashed with concern as he scanned mine, a frown appearing on his face.

My eyelids felt too heavy and I tried to keep my eyes open for as long as I could, drinking in his good looks. His formal shirt and pants looked freshly pressed, his hair style backwards in a slight wave revealing his forehead that often was hidden the past times we've met.

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