Nyoung POV 1

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A/N: I'm so sorry this is epic late. I hope you enjoy it. I've written a few chapters from his POV - don't think I would post them as a separate book. I have another idea for another book and well, realised I needed to write this out first. I LOVE YOU ALL. ENJOY.


Shit, I shouldn't have left her outside when I went into the convenience store.

I lifted my hood up higher, ensuring it wouldn't drop back as I ran towards home, regretting bringing her out even though she was whining to follow me. Youngjae's going to kill me...

"Coco!" I shouted, realising that I was reaching the apartment block. Where else could she have gone.

"Co..." I turned the corner to see her snuggled up in someone's arms. His veiny arms clutched Coco to his chest, his slightly hunched shoulders making him look huge from behind.

"Ah,.. that's my dog. Thank you" I breathed, reaching out for Coco as he stood and turned to face me.

"She's a really cute dog" he smiled, his deep voice and warm brown eyes making my heart stutter.

I cradled her awkwardly and Coco tried hopping out of my arms, still stunned that about my reaction. My cheeks flushed when he frowned slightly and asked "Erm. Are you sure this is your dog?".

"Yes... she is just really hyper" I answered quickly, trying to get Coco to calm down and trying to relax. It's his voice.

"Let me?" he asked, pointing at Coco.

"Erm. Yeah" I mumbled, thankful that my mask was on as my cheeks felt painfully red. He came closer to adjust Coco and my arms, allowing me to catch a whiff of him. He oddly smelled good despite being sweaty, his eyes turning into tiny moons as he laughed, Coco craning up to lick his face.

He took a step back when he was done, handing me the leash back with two hands "here".

His arms flexed as he used his t shirt sleeves to wipe his cheeks, giving me a good idea of how ripped he really was.

"Erm. Thank you. Again" I mumbled, locking my eyes with his so that I would stop checking him out. I hope he doesn't recognise me at least...

"It's okay" he brushed off, giving me a slight bow and smile. I gave a quick bow in response, realising that he scrapped his knees as I looked down.

"Bye" he added, turning and stuffing his earbud back into his ears.

"Hey your knees..." I tried, wanting to stop him but he took off quickly, leaving Coco and I staring after him.

Well, at least I don't think he recognised me?

I sighed and continued home, letting Coco roam only when we were nearer to the apartment.

The next door neighbour opened her door just as I reached my apartment, giving me a snobby sniff even though I greeted her with a bow.

"Make sure the dog doesn't bark at night again"

"Yes ma'am" I bowed, quickly escaping into my apartment.

She was always cranky like that and I wondered if I should look for a new place even though I doubted that she would post comments online.


The group came over to my place to hang out, JB and Youngjae making themselves at home on the couch while Yugyeom helped me cook. We had dinner together and got a couple of drinks, Yugyeom deciding on his own and bugging us that we should head out to another place for more.

He somehow managed to convince JB and Youngjae, the three of them grouping up to convince me to follow them.

"Let's goooooo. Go change" Yugyeom grumbled, pushing me towards the bedroom door.

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