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Jinyoung just had to prove my words wrong by sitting on the sofa and gesturing on what he needed packed, giving me a smug face each time I looked his way.

I didn't want to get any movers to pack his personal stuff and packed them myself, a strange feeling of protectiveness overwhelming me at the thought of someone touching his clothes and things. That and not knowing if any information may leak out somehow.

I packed his stuff with a smile anyway, still in a giddy mood about coming home to him daily after asking him, Jinyoung somehow having dinner ready despite the show hosting.

I snooped around his cupboard before packing his clothes and found a box of our photos, a collection of us goofing around on his film camera.

Jinyoung came in and found me on the floor with the photos in my hands, the love shining through his smiling eyes as he joined me to pack.


The shifting was easy after as the movers helped with the furniture and boxes, leaving them in the allocated rooms. Jinyoung and I only headed over to unpack after Han Sung checked that everything was in order.

I let Jinyoung flutter around the apartment, the smile on his face as he arranged our stuff together making my heart feel too full. I stared at him until I couldn't take it any longer, moving to our room to unpack our clothes.

Jinyoung came into the room to unpack with me halfway, hanging our clothes together, his colours mixing with my black shirts and printed short sleeve shirts.

We went through the endless bags when his hands took some clothing out before stuffing them back into the bag. I would have let it go if I didn't see how flashy they were. So this was why he came in to pack his clothes?


"Hmm?" he hummed, pushing the bag below the others. I tackled him onto the floor, hugging his head to my chest as we fell on the bags of clothes.

"Jackson" he gasped, his fingers grabbing on tight to my shirt. He looked so shocked that I laughed, kissing his nose to stop him from grumbling.

I fished the bag of clothes out from behind him as his eyes fluttered shut, waiting for me to kiss his lips.

I pressed a soft kiss to his lips and tugged the clothing out, lifting myself off him to put the bomber jacket against his chest. It was a shiny beige with palm trees all over the front with striped colours in the back forming a sunset.

Jinyoung glanced down at his chest in shock, quickly twisting the jacket in his arm and standing.

"Wear it" I smiled, tugging him back into my chest and hugging him before he could stuff it into the cupboard.

"It was some show and the guys found it funny" he mumbled, the tips of his ears pink from blushing.

I pressed a kiss to his neck, turning him slowly in my arms to face me while kissing my way up to his lips. I tightened my grip on him, feeling his knees buckle when our lips touched, my heart thumping loudly in my ears, overjoyed that I could make him feel the same way.

Jinyoung let out a tiny moan when our tongues touched, his hands tangling into my hair and cupping my head nearer.

I left my forehead against his when we broke apart to catch our breaths, my right hand reaching up to cup his jaw. I pressed another quick kiss to his lips, remembering the bag and tugging out more of its contents.

"Seun" Jinyoung protested, moving to stand in front of me.

I flicked through the articles of clothing, finding a few sweaters that I liked and dressed Jinyoung in and out of them, kissing him each time he protested that he caved, watching me with amusement despite the slight wariness in his eyes.

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