Nyoung POV 4

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I never wanted to be this drunk in front of him. I could tell that Jackson was too, being more touchy than usual. One drink led to another as we caught up, now that he was back in Korea.

He crawled towards me and I sucked in a shaky breath, lifting me up onto the sofa like I was nothing. My eyes shut themselves as he leaned over me, his lips finally touching mine again.

I tangled my fingers into his hair and tugged him nearer, tilting his head to get closer to him. I felt Jackson's forearms flex next to my head and tugged him closer, wanting to feel his body against mine.

Jackson pulled back after a beat and I struggled to open my eyes, feeling all flushed. He groaned lowly and straightened himself, running his hand through his hair.

"Fuck" he cursed, his disheveled look and my drunken state removing my shyness altogether.

I reached for his belt loops and tugged him towards me, trying but failing to remove his pants.

Jackson lifted me like I was nothing, hugging me close and resting his head against my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms and legs around him naturally, tugging lightly on his hair so that he would look at me.

"I want you" I whispered, seeing how turned on he was as well. I need this, I need to know that he still wants me.

"Fuck" he cursed, his hands squeezing my thighs as he supported my weight still.

"Yes. Fuck"

"Nyoung... " he groaned, falling silent as I bent and placed kisses on his neck, his collarbone all the way to his jaw.

I felt him moving but focused on the job on hand, feeling his body flush under mine. He removed his hands and I fell back against the bed, watching him as he took a few steps back.

I could see his hard on through his pants and fidgeted, shifting so that I sat on my knees.

"We're drunk. I don't want you to regret this in the morning" he sighed, the regret from his words flashing in his eyes.

I didn't know how to tell him that I needed this and tugged my shirt off, literally baring myself to him. I kept my eyes locked on his, noticing that he was wavering.

I continued stripping down to my underwear and continued staring at him, his fingers flexing until he cracked.

"Fuck" he cursed again, tugging his shirt off and pushing me backwards as he crawled over the bed to me.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth and kissed me, I felt the need in his kiss and felt his erection against mine. He nibbled and sucked my bottom lip, the throbbing feeling sending tingles straight to my toes. I couldn't help but moan as he ground his hips into me, his lips travelling down my neck to my bare shoulder before making it's way back to my lips.

Jackson flipped me suddenly to face on my left and I blinked in surprise, expecting him to continue when he tucked me into his chest. I felt him sigh against my neck, his words barely audible with his lips against the nape of my neck "Tomorrow. If you don't change your mind"

"I'm hard" I grumbled, feeling his hard on pressed against me still.

Jackson grabbed my waist tight and nipped my shoulder to warn me, the tingles making my toes curl and I couldn't control the moan I let out.

I tried to tempt him by trying to grind against him again, reaching blindly behind me to press him nearer to me. I couldn't reach him and gave up, grabbing his hand that was on my waist to my front.

I wrapped my hand around his to stroke myself, his rough hands driving me to the edge. Jackson's arm flexed against mine to stop the movement, my erection throbbing in his hand, not understanding why he was stopping.

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