Nyoung POV 5

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A/N: sorry it's late. I forgot my password after updating the app 🫠

The guys greeted Jackson with a smile, Yugyeom's annoying smirking face making me want to hit him.

They wasted no time in prodding fun at me, playing our songs in the background and chatting over one another.

I felt Jackson relax into the sofa next to me despite his arm looking like it was casually draped around the back of the sofa behind me. I knew he needed the comfort and leaned lightly onto him, his other hand holding mine tight on my lap.

I squeezed his hand even when I was talking to the guys, wanting him to know he was always on my mind.


PD nim entered the room and we froze, feeling like we were caught doing something.

"Jackson nim, you're still here. I was wondering if you'd like to see some other celebrities as well?"

I saw Jackson nod from the corner of my eye and felt the guys staring at the two of us, not knowing what the situation is still.

I looked up at Jackson's eyes, seeing him smile at me "I'll be back".

"Dinner together?" He added, I nodded quickly and he gave me a small squeeze on my shoulder before he left, my eyes still glued to the door when the guys crowded around and bombarded me with questions.

"Wait, who is he?"

"PD nim called him formally?!"

"What is going on?"

"He's a CEO from another company, who is going to collaborate with us" I explained, unsure of what else to say as I wasn't too sure either.

"Wait, so how are we supposed to address him then?" Youngjae frowned.

"I hope I didn't offend him just now" Yugyeom sighed, curling up next to me.

"He's still him, my hot neighbour who I really like" I insisted, my cheeks flushing when I realised I admitted it out loud.

"Oh... you're not going to be able to live that down" JB laughed, nudging me.

I pushed them all away and went to the computer, ignoring their teasing and trying to focus on arranging our music.


It was close to dinner time when Jackson appeared again, all of us freezing when we heard the knock on our door.

"Barbecue for dinner?" Jackson asked, sticking his hand out to me.

"Yes" I replied, my voice getting drowned by Yugyeom's cheering. Would it be okay if I smacked Yugyeom now?

Jackson tugged me into his chest, his warmth making me just melt.

I felt like getting the last word and turned to Yugyeom "You're a lamppost now".

Yugyeom being his annoying self decided to mimic me, Jackson chuckled, muffling it by pressing his lips to my forehead and hugging me tight despite his body shaking.


Jackson drove us to the restaurant, leaving one hand on my lap the entire journey and parking with such an easy grace despite using just one hand.

I handed him a face mask to be safe, all of us putting ours on before exiting the car.

Jackson led us through, ushering us into the private room before entering behind me and sitting down next to me.

"I'm buying today so just order comfortably" Jackson commented, earning cheers from Yugyeom and Youngjae.

I couldn't help my frown, not wanting it to look like we were taking advantage of him now that we know his job.

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