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Han Sung did more than good, finding a penthouse quickly in the upper class neighbourhood. I was glad about the tight security at the main gate and for each block, knowing that it would be impossible for anyone to break in or stalk us.

I bought the building on impulse after they canvassed the area and arranged for the signing of contracts with all the tenants including the security team, needing the control but wanting things to remain the same.

My legal team went through the documents with all of the tenants and owners, letting them know there was a change in ownership of the land and building only.

I roamed the big empty apartment and sighed, not liking how quiet and empty it was. This was why I didn't choose this area in the first place...

The only thing left was for me to ask Jinyoung, the fear of him saying no making me hesitate. I was used to quiet but not anymore after he came into my life, the little things he did filling up the emptiness. I miss him already...

I went back to the apartment and packed my stuff before heading to his apartment, waiting till Jinyoung got back from his shoot.


"I'm home!" Jinyoung called out happily, his smile widening when he saw me still in my formal shirt. I had finished packing my apartment faster than I expected and distracted myself by preparing dinner, rolling up my sleeves and not bothering to change out of my office attire.

Jinyoung's hair was still styled, his straight hair curled and framing his pretty face. He took his long coat off, his white long sleeved standing collar shirt still fully buttoned with his black dress pants.

Just looking at him made me nervous but I covered ot with a smile, the smile turning genuine when I caught him ogling my arms.

"Welcome home Nyoung"

"Mmm" he hummed, shuffling over and hugging me from behind.

He pressed a kiss to my shoulder blade before resting his head on my shoulder, his arms tight around my waist as he watched me cook.

I turned in his arms and tugged the first few buttons of his collar open, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips followed by another to the hollow of his neck.

He let out a grumble and moan at the same time, his fingers tugging on my hair as I kissed my way up to his cheek.

"Go sit down, I'll be done in a bit" I whispered, leaving his forehead as the last spot to kiss. I pressed a light kiss to his forehead and released him, turning back to the stove when I was done.

"Tease" he grumbled, smacking my butt and glaring at me.

I laughed at his pout, Jinyoung visibly sulking as he went to the dining table while I scooped our food out. I served the plates from his side, slowly shuffling closer till I stood behind him to stare at his chest.

"But I always deliver" I teased, licking his bottom lip when he looked up at me. I sucked gently on his lip, his top lip capturing mine quickly to pull me in for an upside down kiss.

I released him despite craving for more, pushing on the back of his chair to force myself away. I grabbed the last few dishes from the kitchen and sat next to him, Jinyoung observing me quietly after I sat.

"Let's eat" I muttered, wanting him happy and full before asking him.

"Seun..." he frowned, stretching his hand out for me on the table.

"Eat" I repeated, leaving my arms beside me and nodding at the dishes.

"Is something wrong? Tell me"

"After food" I insisted, taking some meat and placing it on his rice.

"Now" he grumbled, folding his arms over his chest.

"Don't make me feed you" I warned, staring him down.

"Bite me" he grumbled under his breath, picking up his chopsticks.

"I will as dessert"

The gasp I got from Jinyoung made me snort, his fiery eyes softening immediately when he saw me smile.


Jinyoung seemed to forget about the talk before dinner, the two of us snuggled together on the sofa when I finally plucked up the courage to ask him.


The tremble in my voice made him sit up, his fists wrapping the throw blanket tight around him.

"I'll be moving away this coming weekend. There's been some security issues with the fans and I thought it would be best as Woo Jin did see some fans at this building. It would be best if this place is avoided especially for the neighbours" plus I would not have any reason to come by if you're with me, I thought in my head still unsure of his guarded reaction.

He looked at me warily, his eyes void of emotion as he checked mine and waited for me to continue. And here I was hoping maybe he might suggest coming over to me first...

"Well, it's not easy for me to say this but..."

"You're breaking up with me?" he asked softly, covering his trembling hands by wrapping himself tighter.

"God no, I can't be without you. And it's selfish for me to expect you to come along. But it'll be safer and I'll arrange everything? I don't want, and don't know how to be apart from you. I know it's a lot to ask you to move in with me but I just want to come home to you. Plus the place is big enough for you to have a studio if you need or even..." I rambled, panicking slightly and unable to sort through my thoughts around him as usual.

Jinyoung cupped my face in his hands and kissed me hard, the words dying at my throat as I kissed him back with desperation. He straddled me on the sofa, planting his knees next to my hips.

"There's a spare room if you ever need space..." I breathed, clinging to him despite my words.

"Shut up. I don't need the spare room, I'll go" Jinyoung laughed, resting his hands on my shoulders.

"You'll move in with me?" I smiled, sneaking my hands beneath his shirt.

"Yes but you have to help me pack"

"Deal. The easiest deal I've ever made"

A/N: shortttt chapter but I decided to upload it first at least? I'll upload the next part soon. Not sure if it would end up in 2/3 parts though. Thank you all for the comments and votes ❤️

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