Nyoung POV 2

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"Jackson! Hey, you're coming back from work?" I called out to him, seeing him enter the car park lobby. I knew that he usually got back around this time and came down for no reason, other than to check him and his work attire out.

"Yeah, things are picking up" he replied, his smile making my act worth it already.

We would chat while waiting for the elevator and when we got to our floor, quickly dodging and hiding in his apartment whenever the Aunty next door opened her door to complain about the noise.

Our 'bumping into one another' meetings progressed into us planning to hang out after work, my schedules ending later than his occasionally. We hung out at his place whenever we could make time, his easy charm and loud laugh was just the cherry on top, always making my day better.

I loved that he really seemed to have no clue about who I was, there was no need to pretend nor act when we both avoided the topic of work.

I knocked on his door with some snacks in my hand, my smile widening when he opened the door with a smile on his face. His place was tidy, with little knick knacks on his shelves, I took a closer look once and realised that they were probably souvenirs from different countries.

Jackson seemed really well travelled, pointing out some special ones when he realised what I was looking at. I wondered what he did for work but held myself back, knowing it was only fair.


Seunny Sun


Hey Nyoung. Sorry for the really late reply.
Work has been hectic

It's alright.
Hang in there!

Seunny Sun

Probably won't be able to hang out with you tonight

It's alright.


You've got work. It's alright really.

Next month, please.

Seunny Sun

I really like hanging out with you.


I sighed and checked my phone again, staring at his text. We had spent lesser and lesser time together lately and I went over the many conversations in my head. Was he just not interested?

I put on a happy mask at work, my head constantly churning with thoughts and my insecurities. Maybe I'm just not interesting to him even as a friend. After all, he has travelled so much and met tons of people.

I sighed and watched the scenery go by, trying not to mess my hair as I left immediately after hosting the show.

"Thank you Hyung" I called out as I exited the car and gave him a bow and wave. I slipped on my mask as I walked towards the elevator, not wanting anyone to recognise me.

I quickly jabbed the button, catching the doors before they closed, hearing some muttering inside. The doors opened and I realised that it was Jackson, my heart skipping a beat now that I saw him again.

"Hey. It's been awhile" I smiled, taking off my mask.

"Bad day?" I continued, standing in front of him.

He smiled weakly and looked at me tiredly, his gaze unfocused while leaning the side of his head against the elevator wall. My brows knitted and I twisted my hands together, unsure of what I could do for him.

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