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Jinyoung spun around to face me, his face red with anger as I leaned against his apartment door and kept my face composed and unreadable. He tried to open his door and I grabbed his wrists, getting him to face me.

"Let go of me" Jinyoung growled, freeing one hand to smack my chest.


"You don't get to just come in here like that"

"We need to talk"

"There's nothing to talk about after him"

"You left me" I rebutted, a crack in my mask showing as my voice shook. I took a deep breath and composed myself, staring hard at Jinyoung again.

"No. I... you don't get to say things like that after finding someone else" he bit out, staring hard at me before dropping his gaze.

"I thought we meant more...:" he mumbled so softly that I almost missed it.

I tilted his chin up and kissed him, his body still tense in my arms as I nibbled on his lip, slowly parting his lips with each nibble without using my tongue.

I swiped my tongue on his bottom lip to soothe the nips, his mouth finally parting for me to taste him, the sweet taste of him making my head spin. He finally caved into my arms, his body softly molding around mine.

He let out these little moans from the back of his throat, his hands reaching up to tangle themselves into my hair.

I pulled back slowly and looked into his eyes, rubbing his cheeks lightly when I saw how much he wanted me still.

"He's my childhood friend, he fought with his boyfriend and came here to hide and escape" I explained, still scanning Jinyoung's eyes. God, I've missed him.

Jinyoung was silent, making no indication that he heard what I said despite staring straight back into my eyes.

"You're all I want" I continued, staring into his eyes.

"I want you too" he replied, his fingers clinging on to the front of my shirt.

"Where did you go that morning? You didn't even leave me a note" I asked, my heart sinking when he shut his eyes.

I tugged him lightly towards me, tilting his face up to mine and asking him again despite his closed eyes "where did you go?"

Jinyoung's arms dropped to his sides, releasing me as he kept quiet, his eyes staring down at something on the floor.

I tried one last time, bracing myself for the worst answer.

"Where did you go Nyoung"

Jinyoung stayed in his position and stared at the floor, the betrayal and disappointment stinging me that I took a step back to press myself against the door.

I continued to stare at Jinyoung whose gaze was still on the floor, my mind and heart getting beaten down with each passing second of silence.

I ran my hand through my hair to calm myself, knowing that I had to get to the gym to release these pent up feelings.

"I got to go" I mumbled, shutting my emotions and turning around to reach for the handle.

"Don't go. Please" Jinyoung pled, tugging me back to him.

I shook my head, knowing that I would break down if I spoke.

"Please" he repeated, pressing his face between my shoulder blades.

He turned me to face him slowly, his desperate eyes searching mine.

"Please" he repeated, pressing his lips to mine. His hands tugged on my shirt, pulling me nearer to him while repeatedly pressing kisses to my lips.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now