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Jinyoung was whisked away once we got back to Korea, the shooting of a movie along with the practice for the final concert in Seoul taking up all of his time.

I waited each night for him with supper, missing him even though we were in the same country. I watched some TV while waiting and stared at the screen, my brain not registering the images nor sounds.


I jolted up at Jinyoung calling my name, not realising that he was home. I must have drifted off...

"You didn't have to wait for me" he whispered, pressing a kiss to my head.

"Mmm... I wanted to. I made some supper but let me heat it up?" I stretched, standing up and pulling him in for a hug.

"Thank you. You didn't have to" Jinyoung mumbled, his lips against my neck as he hugged me closer.

"It's fine. Go shower" I smiled, releasing him and patting his bum to nudge him towards our room.

He shot me a fake glare at the pat, a smile appearing on his face when he saw me checking his ass out still.


Jinyoung leaned his head on my shoulder when we were brushing our teeth, smiling at me through our reflection.

"Thank you Seun" he gargled, turning to me to see if I caught his words.

"Why are you thanking me for? Strange"

"Just you. Thank you" he smiled, tugging me to bed and holding my hand under the sheets.

I stared at him in the dark, cupping his cheek and rubbing it with my thumb, not knowing how to respond.

"I love you Seun" he whispered in the dark, kissing my palm.

"I love you too Nyoung" I replied, pulling him to me and kissing his lips instead.

My heart hammered against my chest, always craving his kisses.


I managed to visit Jinyoung secretly on set when it was nearby, my heart fluttering each time I saw how focused he was.

Actor Jinyoung was another kind of good looking, the kick you and you would still smile kind of good looking.

I would bring some food and drinks for the crew, loving how surprised and happy Jinyoung looked each time.

The filming of the scenes were done quickly with his focus, the emotions in his eyes more pronounced on camera, captivating and capturing everyone just like that.

Jinyoung did tell me parts of the plot when we had supper together and who his love interest in the show would be, describing the scenes for me as well.

"I'm a dependable person while she's sort of a clumsy person? That's why they seem to clash but end up liking each other"

"Yeah but marriage?" I frowned, my jealous nature getting the best of me.

"Yup, it's in the script" Jinyoung replied, tilting his head and cupping my cheek.

I stood up to face the view and stared blankly, the city lights flashing in the distance along with the winding highway lights would have been a pretty scene if I wasn't feeling so gutted.

"Why did you take this role" I grumbled under my breath, taking a gulp of my beer while staring out the floor to ceiling windows.

"Seun..." Jinyoung called out, following me and leaning to my side.

I took another gulp of beer, trying my best to mask everything. It's just his job. Just a job. Just acting.

"I'm sorry, it's just been a long day" I gave Jinyoung a small smile, hugging him to my side.

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