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I held Jinyoung's hand as we headed down to the car, his eyes darting around to check if anyone was looking as we made our way out.

"Nyoung. You're with me. We're fine" I smiled, trying to reassure him.

He released a breath and nodded, following me instead as I led the way to the roundabout where Woo Jin was already waiting at.

I reluctantly released his hand to open the car door for Jinyoung, rounding the back of the car before sliding in as well.

Woo Jin gave me a nod as he drove off, looking smug about something. I'll have to ask him about that next time...

I moved so that I was closer to Jinyoung, holding his hands again and resting our interlaced hands on his thigh. I loved how our hands fit, his warm hand like a generator that charges me at the end of each day.

"How was your day Nyoung?" I asked, using my thumb to rub the back of his hand.

"We did a recording and practiced. Tomorrow would be our rest day"

"Practice?" I asked, pausing after as I noticed that he had something to say.

"Erm. Well. I have a performance. The day after tomorrow. And I was wondering... if maybe... if" Jinyoung fumbled, unable to meet my eyes.

"I'll be there" I replied, knowing what he was getting at. I've seen him naked and he's shy about this?

"You would?" he turned his stunned eyes to mine, squeezing my hand tighter in his.

"For sure. You know I didn't pile work just so I would stay late for the next few days" I smiled, rubbing his cheek.

He responded with a wide smile, his soft cheeks and eyes crinkling together too adorably that I felt light headed. Jinyoung grabbed my hands tight to his chest, his eyes somehow sparkling in that moment.

I took in a shaky breath and glanced out then, realising that we were in the apartment carpark.

"Let's go Nyoung"

I leaned over and opened his door, letting him lead the way up to our apartments.

There was always something about being in an enclosed space with him that always made my spine tingle in anticipation, the trapped heavy air causing my toes to curl.

Jinyoung peeked at me, the slight amusement at my discomfort making me want to challenge him. I closed in on him, resting one palm against the wall and effectively trapping him into the corner.

"There's a camera in here" he whispered urgently, his wide eyes glancing around.

"It can't see me do this" I murmured, tugging his mask down and brushing my thumb against his lips lightly before lifting his mask back up again.

I walked backwards out of the elevator then, holding the door with a smirk as Jinyoung's wide eyes stared at me in shock.

"Come on Nyoung" I called, pressing against the doors as the sensor started beeping when the doors attempted to close again.

The beeping snapped him out of his daze and Jinyoung rushed out of the elevator, sprinting past me towards his apartment door. Shit, did I take it too far?

I followed him slowly, keeping my distance as he stood facing his door while trying to catch his breath.

He muttered something softly, his mask and the distance making it hard for me to catch it. I took a slow step forward and froze as he looked up, his red ears peeking out from under his hair as his hood fell to his shoulders.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now