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From: N-young

Do you want to go to Jeju?

Sure. Random but sure.

Hmm. I want to go there.

I'll go anywhere with you.

I smiled and kept my phone in my jacket, fanning out the documents in front of me and focusing on the presentation my marketing team was giving.

I gave some pointers during the discussion, ignoring and forgetting about my buzzing phone.


I thanked the team after the long presentation, leaving the room ahead of the others and heading into my office.

I leaned back into my chair and checked my emails, feeling drained from focusing for so long. I tilted my screen slightly to avoid the sun from the window behind me, my hand reaching out for the framed blurry photo of us.

I smiled to myself and stroked Jinyoung's face when I remembered the buzzing of my phone.

From: N-young

I'm thinking this weekend.
Can we?
Oh screw it.
I booked us the tickets to Jeju.
I hope it's not too much of a rush...
You're not mad are you?
I'm sorry.

No sorry, I was in a meeting Nyoung.
I'd love to go anywhere with you.
Let me arrange the other stuff?

I'm sorry.
If it's a huge rush...

Don't worry about it.
I'd do anything to be alone with you for a whole weekend.

I made some calls to Han Sung to go book the hotel, transport and whatnot, telling him to run through the plan with Woo Jin as well.


I didn't see Woo Jin after stepping out of my office and decided to look for him, spotting Woo Jin and Han Sung in a meeting room. I smiled when I saw the clear attraction, Woo Jin staring at Han Sung's side profile instead of the monitor Han Sung was pointing at.

Han Sung frowned at Woo Jin as he looked up, jumping backwards when Woo Jin gave him a quick peck.

I laughed to myself and knocked on the door after awhile, the two of them red faced and standing to greet me.

"You both can join us in Jeju. Scratch that, you both should"

"Oh. I'll head back on my own today" I added, sticking my hand out for the car keys.

"Sir..." Woo Jin frowned, not handing the keys over.

"Send him back instead" I nodded towards Han Sung, seeing him stand there awkwardly, unable to meet my eyes.

"I'll send you back first" Woo Jin insisted, packing up the documents on the table with Han Sung in tow.

The three of us got into the car with Han Sung seated shotgun, his face still red and silent. Woo Jin glanced over at him a few times through the short journey back to my place, Han Sung refusing to look back.

"So... did I somehow play a matchmaker?" I teased, watching Han Sung freeze in his seat.

I couldn't help my laughter and pat Woo Jin's shoulder when I exited the car, still smiling to myself.

"Let me walk you up sir" Woo Jin quickly slipped out of the car.

"Woo Jin ah, I'm at the lobby. I'll be fine. See you tomorrow" I quickly waved him away, giving a wave to Han Sung as well before entering.

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