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Woo Jin dropped me off at the gym and I changed quickly and started with a run before going to the punching bag and venting it out, using the extra energy in a somewhat healthy way.

"Mr CEO" Doo Won greeted teasingly, strolling towards me and raising his hand for a handshake.

"Doo Won" I smiled, smacking his hand and tugging him into a bro hug.

"One bout?" he asked, gesturing to the empty mats.


"You're focused today. Bad day?" Doo Won commented as we both laid sprawled out on the mats, trying to catch our breaths.

"Somewhat" I replied, raising my hand to cover the glare of the lights as I stared at the ceiling. I saw footsteps approach from the corner of my eye and sat up when I realised it was Woo Jin.

"Sir, he's..." Woo Jin trailed off, stopping when he knew that I understood him.

"See you soon Doo Won" I stood, sticking my right hand out to tug Doo Won up. Doo Won grabbed my hand and stood, patting my back to push me out.

"How did he know?" I asked Woo Jin, grabbing my things in a hurry. I gave a quick wave to Doo Won and exited the building, spotting the car I arranged for Jinyoung at the curb.

"He insisted to Rin that he should pick you, I'm sorry I didn't anticipate this" Woo Jin sighed.

"It's fine, nothing to be sorry about. I'll head home with him" I nodded at Woo Jin, opening the car door to see Jinyoung huddled in the back seat. He was twisting his fingers, his worried eyes scanning me quietly.

"Nyoung?" I called out after closing the door, opening my arms to him.

He dived into my arms and held me tight, his hand reaching up to cup my cheeks as he checked my face.

"Hmm?" I hummed, confused by his actions.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he frowned, lifting my arms to inspect them before touching my sides as well. I made use of the tilting of the car as we turned to shift away slightly, covering my laugh with a cough as his touches became ticklish.

Jinyoung glanced up at me, his worried eyes causing me ti pause as he reaching for the hem of my shirt when I stopped him.

"I'm alright" I smiled, lifting his hand to my lips and kissing his fingers instead.

"I wanted to surprise you. I watched for awhile but I couldn't stay, I couldn't watch..." Jinyoung shuddered, cupping my cheeks in his hands.

"Hey. I'm tougher than that you know" I whispered softly, pressing a kiss to his palm. Jinyoung eyes softened but stared worriedly at me still, dropping his hands back into his lap.

I reached my arm out to steady Jinyoung as the car pulled into the carpark, his eyes shining despite the dark interior as the carpark lights flashed by.

"Come on" I smiled, releasing him to open the car door. I hopped out and rounded the car, opening his door for him.

The journey up to our apartments was silent with the two of us shooting glances at each other the entire way, my arms aching to pull him closer already.

It reminded me of the first time we met and my smile widened at Jinyoung's reflection in the elevator, causing him to laugh, his crinkly eyed smile everything I needed.

We stopped by his place for him to pick some clothes and headed to my place for the night. Jinyoung seemed so at ease at my place, hanging his clothes and picking my clothes already.

I held Jinyoung from behind, my hands steadying his hips as he reached for a tie. Jinyoung leaned back lightly into me, peeking sideways at me curiously.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now