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Despite my initial hesitation, Jinyoung and I exchanged texts over the week, the two of us not managing to meet however, due to our clashing schedules.

I smiled to myself at his latest text, typing a reply as I walked from the meeting room to my office.


You made me smile to myself during an important meeting!
They're wondering if I'm not well now...
I blame you.

Your texts always make me smile to myself.
I would gladly take full responsibility for your laughter and sanity though.

You'd better.
Sweet thumbs.

Sweet thumbs?

Since you're typing and all...

I laughed to myself at that, my assistant Han Sung catching up to me as I walked back to my office from a meeting.

"You're in a good mood" he commented with a smile.

"Because I'm Young" I replied, laughing to myself at my own inside joke.

Han Sung looked confused but gave a polite laugh, walking with me to my office and putting the documents down on my desk before leaving.

I set my phone aside and focused on the work on hand, flipping and signing through the documents when I saw one that was for the overseas trip.

"Han Sung ah, could you come in?" I asked, dialing his extension.

Han Sung knocked on my door before coming in, folding his hand politely as he stood at my desk.

"Sit down first" I nodded to the chair in front of me, waiting for him to settle before shifting the paperwork towards him "When is this trip?"

"We planned it for next week... here" Han Sung replied, leaning towards my computer screen and clicking on my calendar.

"Must have slipped my mind" I sighed, leaning back into my chair and staring at my screen.

"Shall I go through the itinerary with you?" he asked softly.

"Go on" I nodded, watching him take over the mouse and shifting it around to show me my calendar.


"Change day two's meetings, I can't have three of them in a row" I frowned, turning to look at Han Sung.

He turned his head at the same time and I tilted my head away, realising how close he was.

"Sorry" he muttered, jerking back and looking down at the floor.

"It's fine, just change it. I'll have two meetings on the third day. Extend the trip by a day or two if there isn't any other meetings when I'm back" I replied, ignoring what happened and dismissing him as he shuffled quickly out of my office.

I thought about the things I had to do on hand, my mind focused on surprising my family with a visit after the overseas meetings were settled.


"Seun-nim?" Han Sung knocked, peeking his head into my room.

"Yes?" I blinked, looking up from my computer screen.

"You have a collaboration meeting now with the KOL agency"
A/N: (Just for information) KOL are Key Opinion Leaders

"It's at 3pm" I replied, before checking the time and realising it was 10 minutes to 3.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now