Nyoung POV 6

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Hi all, so sorry for the long wait. This would be the last POV! I'll see if I'm up for writing another book soon. Until then, early Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I love you all.

I was nervous, nauseatingly nervous despite telling Jackson otherwise in the morning.

I kept glancing towards the doors of the set while watching the juniors shoot, some of Jackson's staff already present.

Jackson came in then looking all driven and I couldn't help but smile, watching his team flock to him as they brought him around.

I took my time before approaching Jackson, tapping him on his shoulder.

"Nyoung" he smiled, the warmth washing over me and making my fingers tingle.

"Hi, how's the shoot going?" I asked lamely.

"I was about to take a look, join me?"

I gave him a nod and followed him back to the junior's shoot, noticing Felix's fingers blocked the logo.

I went up to him as they were having a break now and mentioned it to them, wanting them to be more aware when I felt Jackson approach.

Felix and Hyunjin got up quickly and bowed, greeting him and introducing themselves.

Jackson gave them a nod and I quickly explained to him about what I was talking to them about "I spotted some photos where his fingers turned and blocked the logo"

"I'm sorry, I'm somewhat new to this" Felix explained with another bow while I stared at Jackson, slightly worried that he would be disappointed.

"It's fine. Really. Everyone is at the start. Let's just try again" he replied with a small smile.

"Thank you Nyoung" he added and I couldn't help but blush, not expecting him to call me that in front of others.

"Not at all" I replied softly, glancing around as I felt others staring at us.


I needed to keep a safer distance to avoid the stares, deciding to get changed and putting my game face on while chanting in my mind "just treat it like any other shoot".

I managed to keep my eyes from roaming towards Jackson, knowing and using my eyes as the key point in the shoot. I moved to check the monitor once they paused, wanting to see what I should change and focus on.

I felt Jackson approaching, his hand giving my shoulder a small squeeze that made my heart skip. I felt his warm breath and a small kiss on my neck when he leaned closer, hearing him whisper "good job".

My heart pounded against my chest and I felt like passing out, us being so secretive making me even more nervous.

I took a deep breath and focused back on the screen, fairly satisfied with the photos but wanting to do more, quickly calming myself and heading back on set.

I managed to maintain my focus during the shoot, avoiding looking over at Jackson until I was heading off to the changing room. I finally took the chance to look over and blinked in surprise when I saw Jackson just staring at me. His eyes said so much more in that moment, how proud he was, how he looked like he was rubbing his lip, how much he wanted me. The idea of it made me blush and I turned quickly, breaking our gaze and marching myself to the changing room before I threw myself at him.


I exited the changing room to see PD nim introducing Sun Hee's group to Jackson and walking away, answering his phone. Sun Hee was every guy's dream girl and I watched as she turn on her full charm, angling her body so that her chest and bum perked, her smile on full wattage.

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