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The collaboration with JYP was coming up and I took extra care to clear my schedule so that I could stay on set to watch the entire process.

I tried my best to hide my excitement as we pulled into the drop off area, my hand on the door handle even before we pulled to a stop.

"Jackson nim, I'll park the car before joining you" the driver said, smiling slightly as he glanced at me through the mirror.

"Yes please, see you in a bit Woo Jin"

I hopped out of the car and entered the building, one of the staff greeted me as the doors opened, leading the way to the set.

I roamed the set with Han Sung and my marketing team who was already there, pointing out some parts that I felt could be improved on to pull the theme together.

We walked from set to set, making a round before going to the first one which was starting. I watched the shoot from behind, appreciating how both my team and the other team were working well together.

I was about to take a closer look at the photos when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Nyoung" I smiled, my heart skipping a beat despite seeing him that morning.

"Hi, how's the shoot going?" he asked, smiling back at me.

"I was about to take a look, join me?"

Jinyoung gave a nod in response and followed, walking beside me as we headed straight to the camera director to check the monitor.

I scrolled through a few and pointed out some photos where the logo was not visible before straightening myself to look for the model when I saw Jinyoung talking to him.

"... and your fingers as well"

Jinyoung and the model looked up as I approached, the models bowing immediately at me.

"Jackson nim, I'm Felix"

"And I'm Hyunjin"

I nodded at them in return as they greeted me, not knowing how to react with Jinyoung there.

"I spotted some photos where his fingers turned and blocked the logo" Jinyoung explained, glancing at Hyunjin and Felix.

"I'm sorry, I'm somewhat new to this" Felix explained with another bow.

"It's fine. Really. Everyone is at the start. Let's just try again" I replied, giving him a small smile.

"Thank you Nyoung" I added, turning to face Jinyoung. I wasn't intimidating... right?

"Not at all" Jinyoung replied softly, his cheeks flushing slightly as he glanced around the set, all too aware of the looks the others were giving as my attention was solely on him.

I brought my hand up and coughed to cover my laugh, unable to hide the small smile as I walked off the set.


Jinyoung kept a safer distance between us as I went around the set, my palms becoming sweaty as I saw that Jinyong changed into the clothes. He looks so good it hurts.

My knees were weak as he walked on set, the air of confidence he had making him look even better. I nodded my thanks as Han Sung took a chair for me to sit, handing me a bottle of water while I kept my eyes on Jinyoung.

"Seun nim, there's a call for you" Han Sung whispered, handing my phone to me.

"I'll call back later" I replied, unable to tear my eyes away.

I heard Han Sung shuffle away to respond before standing next to me again, my legs immediately carrying me forward to the monitor the moment they stopped.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now