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I felt too free without work, unsure of what to do with my free time now. I ended up hitting the gym more often while picking up random skills online like animation which I happily used for Jinyoung's fansites.

I even took up some freelance translation jobs while translating and signing off with my username for his fan sites for free, the little things making me oddly happy due to the free time. I didn't know how long I would be satisfied for but it was worth it for now.

I could tell that Jinyoung was worried about me, texting me during the day and even coming back earlier than usual to spend more time at home with me.

We were sprawled out in bed after our shower, Jinyoung sharing with me about his day while I told him what I got up to. Well, except for his fansites...

We soaked in each other's presence after, the comfortable silence but little touches meaning so much more.

The yellow lights made the room cosier, his warm skin against mine keeping me snuggly warm despite the air conditioning.

Jinyoung rested his cheek against my chest, his hand reaching up and playing with my hair while pressing kisses to my chest randomly. My eyes shut themselves when he ran his fingers along my scalp, my body relaxing in his hold, slowly drifting off when he spoke up again.

"I was thinking of letting everyone know that I'm gay too. It's better than some scandalous photo?" Jinyoung said softly, his words making me snap my eyes open in shock.

I blinked from the sudden bright light, my vision slowly returning as I sat up and turned to face him. Jinyoung looked at ease with himself and I knew that he spent some time thinking about it already.

"Your job would be affected" I stated, knowing how much it meant to him and why I did it for him.

He shrugged in response, "you matter more, I can always find other acting roles. Plus, I'll be leaving this company"

"What did he say and do this time?" I frowned, Jinyoung reaching out to smoothen the crinkle in my brows.

"Nothing, he's not supportive as you know. It'll be a good change and there's another company who has scouted me already" he brushed off, smiling towards the end as he talked about the other company.

"And they know?" I asked quietly, not wanting him to be disappointed if they back off.

"Yup" he smiled, the thoughts swirling in my mind settling at last.

"What about the band?" I asked, reaching for his hand.

"We'll find another company or some agreement together. They're not staying either" he mumbled, playing with my fingers.

I decided then to look into setting something up for them, not telling Jinyoung anything first.

"Which company is this?" I asked curiously.

"Xx company"

"Mmm, okay. I don't have a job and need you to support me though" I teased, flopping back down on the bed.

Jinyoung shook his head and took his spot back on my chest, snorting in response. He brushed my hair back from my forehead and muttering under his breath "says the building owner".


Jinyoung made the announcement for the switch in companies the next day, many fans wondering if the statement was hype for the new movie.

I scanned the websites for comments on Jinyoung, reading all of them, rallying his fan clubs to flood his posts with good comments as well.

I went into full fan mode, using all social media outlets to keep tabs on comments about Jinyoung, not even realising when Jinyoung came home till he popped his head past the study room door.

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