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I've never appreciated speeding through the customs and checking into the hotel as quickly as I did when I touched down.

I had nothing on the first two days and wanted to go to Jinyoung as quickly as I could but I knew I looked like shit after the long flight.

I took a long shower and shaved, spraying some cologne before getting dressed in a casual dress shirt and black jeans.

I didn't bother changing from my spectacles to contact lenses, knowing that my eyes were too tired for it and grabbed my brown leather jacket to match.

From: N-young
Don't work too hard!
I hope you're getting enough sleep...
I miss you
Where have you disappeared to?
You're going on a trip?
I saw some photos of you at the airport
Seun? :(

I frowned at his text about the photos, not liking and not understanding why there were photos of me. I'm not even a celebrity...

I dropped a quick text to Woo Jin about it after searching for the photos online before replying Jinyoung.

Hi Nyoung
There was a last minute meeting
I'm sorry for going missing
Have you eaten?

I was worried :(
Hope your meeting is going well?
And nope, I'll probably order room service or something.

My meeting hasn't started yet
I'm sorry for worrying you

I frowned and put my phone down as I tried to style my hair, annoyed about the photos still. Jinyoung calls it harping on things while I choose to say that I am focused on details, focused.

The security team that I arranged for Jinyoung had texted me which hotel they were at and which room Jinyoung was in, my steps quickening as I strode across the hotel foyer towards the elevators where one of them stood.

"Sir" she greeted, giving me a polite nod.

"Hey Min Ji, thank you" I smiled, following her into the elevators.

"We've blocked off the entire floor, the staff members are occupying the same floor as well. We have people posted at the stairwells and at the lobby, all hidden of course"

I nodded to thank her, my thoughts already full of Jinyoung that I couldn't respond. My heart thumped hard in my chest, the anticipation making me slightly antsy.

We exited the elevator to see one of the hotel staff with a cart, the security having stopped him before he could proceed.

"It's for room 2801" the hotel staff said, glancing at the slip on paper next to the tray.

"You can leave it here"

"I have to deliver it" he frowned, trying to push his cart forward.

"This floor is blocked off"

"We'll take over from here" I gestured, walking towards them.

"But it's for..."

"This floor is blocked even to hotel staff" Min Ji repeated, holding the elevator for the staff.

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