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The other members agreed quite readily once I told them that there were no rules for them, their music and image being something they should be aware of and maintain in their own.

The only thing they had to do was to be transparent with me, anything that they wanted to cover up, hide or release to be made known first.

I made a call to my previous chairman and met up with him, knowing that we may end up working together on projects in the future.


"This way please"

The restaurant we were at had great night views of the Namsan tower along with the city lights, the floor to ceiling windows boasting the glittering lights.

We settled into our seats and he looked at me curiously, knowing that I invited him out for a reason.

"Firstly, I'm sorry, I won't be joining your company again. I'm looking to open my own company and would likely work with you in the future? I'm hoping that we would work well together"

"I can't say I'm happy because I'll be losing a good worker like you" he shrugged, picking up the wine glass and swirling it around.

The wine sloshed around the glass, my eyes following the liquid watching the alcohol layer as it slowly around the glass before settling above the liquid.

"But I know you're more than capable of owning your own company. You know, I always found it funny that you wanted to work for me" he added with a smile.

"Too much work and publicity?" I shrugged, smiling back at him.

"Too much work for you? Doubt it" he laughed, shaking his head at me.


I knew the next step would be with JYP, and it wasn't going to be easy. Thankfully, I bought some shares previously and could hopefully use it to my advantage.

I met him in the JYP building, one staff following me up to his office and opening the door for me.

"Jackson! This is rare, to what do I owe this pleasure?" he greeted, standing to shake my head before gesturing to the sofa and sitting with me.

"Not really pleasure but business" I smiled, following him and taking a seat on the plush leather.

He decided to make some small talk about the current market and about the company when I added in why I was there "About the company, I would like to take over the team".

"You do know that they are old and likely to decline right?" he frowned, folding his arms across his chest.

His words made my blood boil over despite my deadpanned expression, my expression probably throwing him off.

"I believe that they have yet to even hit their peak and that I can bring them there, especially with the right marketing" I shrugged, indirectly taking a jab at the lack of effort on his part.

I leaned back into the sofa and judged him coolly, noticing the surprise and anger on his face before he quickly blinked it back.

He scanned me carefully before asking me "may I know the reason you are specifically interested in this group?"

"No" I smiled politely, not bothering to elaborate. I took out a file which my lawyers had prepared on the transfer, signaling the end of the conversation and discussion.

"I've purchased a good amount of stocks from this company and would like to use them to exchange for this contract"

I laid the file on the table and waited for him to read through it, his expression getting darker by the second.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now