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We headed out into the VIP section after watching them get on stage, missing the first song in the process.

We sat in the last row of the VIP section, soaking in the atmosphere of the crowd. My heart thumped in beat with the loud bass, becoming part of the audience as I sang along to their songs. My eyes stayed on Jinyoung, the fan boy in me making me smile like an idiot the entire time.

Bam wrapped his arm around Mark's and my shoulders and sang along terribly too, jumping up and down happily.

Bam nudged me when he saw a sign a fan was carrying saying "Jinyoung is mine", my jealous self obviously taking the sign from the person with a smile, Mark shaking his head at me the entire time.

I raised it high and waved it at Jinyoung as he came nearer, his laugh and blush making it all worth it.

I returned the sign to the fan after Mark smacked my arm and pointed. Well, she can have the sign, I have him anyway.


I arranged a celebratory dinner for the successful first day, hiding all the alcohol which Bam complained about.

"It's not a party without alcohol" he whined, trying to convince me.

"They have another long day tomorrow" I rebutted, looking at Mark for some help.

"Tomorrow we'll drink?" Mark tried, his statement sounding more like a question as he looked at me for some confirmation.

"Yes yes" I sighed, rubbing my forehead as Youngjae and Yugyeom cheered as well.

"They're rubbing off on one another" I sighed, leaning against Jinyoung.

"Your friends" Jinyoung laughed, his eyes making me forget everything.

Woo Jin took a photo of all of us which I posted on my instagram, smiling as I tagged them with the caption "thank you for the trust, here's to more success and more good times".

I clicked post before realising that it was the fan account, the panic making me stand. I quickly deleted it and posted it on my account, hoping no one saw it. Shit.

I reposted the same photo on my fan account, trying to cover it up.


Fat hope.

There were some fans who managed to get a screen capture of the post appearing on my fan account before my personal account.

I was glad that Jinyoung didn't use social media that much, knowing that he had no clue about my fan account.

Some of the fan accounts that I usually worked with dropped me some DMs which I ignored for now, not knowing what to do.

I shifted my focus to the second and last concert day in Korea before we went overseas, not wanting anything to ruin the day.


My eyelid kept twitching while watching them warm up, putting me on the edge as it felt like a bad omen.

Jinyoung noticed me constantly reaching for my eye and stopped me each time, pressing a kiss to my hand.

"Be safe out there okay?"

"I'm on stage with the security behind and around the stage. I'll be fine" he smiled, shaking his head.

"I'm just uneasy, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Never ever" I sighed, squeezing his hand.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine. You'll be watching me the entire time anyway" Jinyoung smiled, tilting his head and staring into my eyes. My lips tilting themselves upwards at his adorable smile, nodding to him in response.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now